HP LaserJet 9040.9050 Multifunction Printer series User Manual
Page 256

252 Index
Show me how Help 45
sizes, paper
selecting trays by 66
supported 184
tray settings 40
skewed pages, troubleshooting 160
Sleep mode
power consumption 190
settings 205
DIMMs supported 213
Installed Personalities and Options 172
installing DIMMs 214
slow printing, troubleshooting 164, 168
small paper mode 204
smeared toner, troubleshooting 159
SMTP servers 148, 229
features 14
FIH (Foreign Interface Harness) 102
HP Digital Sending, ordering 12
installing on Macintosh 21
installing on Windows 19
Macintosh 18
network 23, 232
operating systems supported 14
troubleshooting 164
uninstalling Macintosh 23
uninstalling Windows 22
sound specifications 191
acoustical 191
card stock 189
envelopes 188
labels 188
ozone 221
paper 183, 187
power 190
transparencies 188
trays and bins 9
specks, troubleshooting 118, 158
data transmission settings 207
network 210
processor 7
resolution settings 203
specifications 7
troubleshooting 164, 168
bins 54
capacity 9
features 92
jams, clearing 129
ordering 11
paper sizes supported 185
selecting output location 55
staple jams, clearing 135
bins 54
capacity 9
error messages 151
jams, clearing 129
loading staples 93
not recognized 167
ordering 11
paper sizes supported 185
selecting output location 55
staple cartridge, ordering 11
staple jams, clearing 135
stapling documents 92
troubleshooting 166
staple cartridges
jams, clearing from multifunction finisher 138
jams, clearing from stacker/stapler 135
loading in multifunction finisher 96
loading in stacker/stapler 93
ordering 11
staple jams, clearing
multifunction finisher 138
stacker/stapler 135
troubleshooting frequent 165
stapling documents
booklets 99
multifunction finisher 95
stacker/stapler 92
troubleshooting 166
Start button on control panel 42, 43
status lights, control panel 42
Status tab, HP Toolbox 27
status, supplies
information page 174, 195
viewing in HP Toolbox 27
Stop button on control panel 42, 43
stopped printing 168
stopping printing 43
stored jobs
control panel settings 195
copying 79
creating 68
deleting 69
error messages 152
options 67
printing 69
timeout settings 204
envelopes 189
print cartridges 116
product, specifications 192
storing jobs. See job retention
ordering 11
part numbers 181
printer maintenance kit, installing 120
recycling 222
status page 174, 195
status, viewing in HP Toolbox 27
SupportPack, HP 223
symbol sets 202
system requirements
Foreign Interface Harness (FIH) 102
HP Toolbox 26
printing software 14
TCP/IP settings 208, 227
fusing compatibility, media 187
operating environment specifications 192
control panel 212
paper path 177, 211
scanner 211
text, troubleshooting
time, setting 204
timeout settings