Longrange subcommand, Syntax, Description – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

Page 150: 150 description, Longrange subcom, Mand

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The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 23:59 to Jan. 2, 00:00.

shortrange :+0001

The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 0:00-00:01.

shortrange :-0001

The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 0:00-23:59.

shortrange +0101:-0101

The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 1:01-22:59.

shortrange 200601010900+0130:200601011700-0130

The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 10:30-15:30.

shortrange 200601010900-0130:200601011700+0130

The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 7:30-18:30.

shortrange 200601010900-0130:

The Export Tool saves monitoring data within the range of Jan. 1, 7:30 to Jan. 2, 00:00.

longrange Subcommand





The longrange command enables you to specify a term of monitoring data to be exported into files.
Use this command when you want to narrow the export-target term within the stored data.

The longrange command is valid for monitoring data in long range. The monitoring data in long
range is the contents displayed in the Physical tab of the Auto LUN window with selecting longrange
as the storing period. The monitoring items whose data can be stored in long range are limited.



shows the monitoring items to which the longrange command can be applied, and also shows

the operands to export those monitoring items.

Table 31 Monitoring Items To Which the longrange Subcommand Can be Applied

Operands of the group command

Monitoring Data

PhyPG Long

Usage statistics about parity groups

PhyLDEV Long

Usage statistics about volumes

PhyProc Long

Usage statistics about channel processors, disk processors, and
data recovery and reconstruction processors

PhyCSW Long

Usage statistics about access paths and write pending rate

If you run the Export Tool without specifying the longrange command, the data stored in the whole
monitoring term will be exported.

The login command must execute before the longrange command executes.

Using the Export Tool


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