Table 16, Table 17 – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual
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Table 16 Files with Statistics about Remote Copy Operations by XP Continuous Access and TrueCopy
for Mainframe (In the Whole Volumes)
Data Saved in the File
CSV File
ZIP File
The following data in the whole storage system are saved:
The usage rate for sidefile cache
The total number of remote I/Os (read and write operations)
The total number of remote write I/Os
The number of errors that occur during remote I/O
The number of initial copy remote I/Os
The average transfer rate (kB/sec) for initial copy remote I/Os
The average response time (millisecond) for initial copy
The number of update copy remote I/Os
The average transfer rate (kB/sec) for update copy remote I/Os
The average response time (millisecond) for update copy
The number of restore copy remote I/Os
The number of hits of restore copy remote I/Os
The number of asynchronous update copy remote I/Os
The number of asynchronous recordsets
The average transfer rate (kB/sec) for asynchronous update
copy remote I/Os
The average response time (millisecond) for asynchronous up-
date copy
The number of scheduled recordsets
The number of recordsets that do not arrive during the schedule
The number of remaining recordsets when the schedule is
The number of job activations of consistency manager
The percentage of completion of copy operations (that is, num-
ber of synchronized pairs / total number of pairs)
The number of tracks that have not yet been copied by the initial
copy or resync copy operation
Table 17 Files with Statistics about Remote Copy Operations by XP Continuous Access and TrueCopy
for Mainframe (for each Volume (LU))
Data Saved in the File
CSV File
ZIP File
The total number of remote I/Os (read and write
The total number of remote read I/Os
The total number of remote write I/Os
The number of errors that occur during remote
Using the Export Tool