HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 98

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Universal Replicator for Mainframe Copy Operations

The data which is copied to the Universal Replicator for Mainframe P-VOL by Compatible
Flash Copy V2 is asynchronously copied with the initial copy operation to the Universal
Replicator for Mainframe S-VOL. Based on the speed of the initial copy processing to Universal
Replicator for Mainframe S-VOL, the concordance rate of the Universal Replicator for Mainframe
pair is calculated. According to the executing order of the copy processing of the Compatible
Flash Copy V2 relationship and the initial copy processing of Universal Replicator for
Mainframe pair, the executing of the initial copy operation may be forced to wait. In this case,
the concordance speed of the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair may slow.

While the copy operation of Compatible Flash Copy V2 is being executed, the function using
time stamp cannot be used.

The relationship of Compatible Flash Copy V2 can be created in the status under which the
Universal Replicator for Mainframe initial copy operation can be executed. If the P-VOL of the
Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair in the status of Duplex or the Pending duplex is
assigned to the T-VOL of the relationship of Compatible Flash Copy V2, the initial copy
operation of Universal Replicator for Mainframe is executed. However, if the relationship of
Compatible Flash Copy V2 is created in the status under which the Universal Replicator for
Mainframe initial copy operation cannot be executed, the Universal Replicator for Mainframe
pair may be suspended. The initial copy operation cannot be executed in the following statuses:

Both MCU cache and RCU cache are blockaded.

The shared memory is blockaded.

M-R Path is blockaded. - LDEVs are blockaded.

RCU does not support Compatible Flash Copy V2.

If the P-VOL of the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair in the status of Duplex or the
Pending duplex is assigned to the T-VOL of the relationship of Compatible Flash Copy V2,
the data on Compatible Flash Copy V2 is copied to the P-VOL of Universal Replicator for
Mainframe. When the data copy operation to the Universal Replicator for Mainframe P-VOL
is completed, the initial copy operation to the Universal Replicator for Mainframe S-VOL will
be started. Then, the information about the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair under
which the initial copy operation is started will be displayed in the History window. Until the
initial copy operation will be finished the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair stays the
Pending duplex status. However, if the T-VOL of the Compatible Flash Copy V2 relationship
is assigned to the Universal Replicator for Mainframe P-VOL in the Pending duplex status, the
another initial copy operation which is already being processed is started. Therefore, the
information about which the initial copy operation is started may be displayed in the History
window. When the Compatible FlashCopy V2 data has been copied to the Universal Replicator
for Mainframe S-VOL by this copy operation, the information about the completion of initial
copy operation are displayed in the History window.

If the T-VOL of Compatible Flash Copy V2 relationship is used under the 3DC multitarget
configuration, either the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair or the TrueCopy for Mainframe
pair must be suspended before the copy operation is executed with Compatible FlashCopy
V2. When the copy operation is completed with Compatible FlashCopy V2 and the status of
the pair which is not suspended changes to PAIR, resynchronize the suspended pair.

TrueCopy for Mainframe Copy Operations

If TrueCopy for Mainframe interoperates with Compatible Flash Copy V2, specify Track as
the unit of storage for the differential data of the TrueCopy for Mainframe pair.

If TrueCopy for Mainframe interoperates with Compatible Flash Copy V2, create the TrueCopy
for Mainframe pair without using the TrueCopy for Mainframe consistency group function.


Preparing for Universal Replicator for Mainframe Operations