HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 206
9 Using Spreadsheets for Universal Replicator for Mainframe
You can use spreadsheets instead of the Remote Web Console windows. For example, when you
have many Universal Replicator for Mainframe pairs at once, using spreadsheets shortens operation
time compared to using the Remote Web Console interface. You can import the spreadsheets
directly to the storage system using the CFL Extension.
The following figure illustrates the work flow when you use spreadsheets.
Figure 86 Workflow Using Spreadsheets
If an error occurs when verifying or using the spreadsheet, perform the necessary recovery operations
based on the error code. If the pair operations did not work properly, re-create the spreadsheet if
needed, and perform the pair operation again.
This chapter describes the procedures in the bold-outlined, workflow boxes in
. For detailed information about operations not described in this chapter, see the
XP24000/XP20000 Remote Web Console User's Guide.
“Before Using Spreadsheets” (page 207)
“Available Types and Operation Tags” (page 207)
“Getting Pair Information (Pair Tag)” (page 208)
“Creating Pairs (AddPair Tag)” (page 208)
“Splitting Pairs (SuspendPair Tag)” (page 210)
“Resynchronizing Pairs (ResumePair Tag)” (page 211)
“Releasing Pairs (DeletePair Tag)” (page 212)
206 Using Spreadsheets for Universal Replicator for Mainframe Operations