HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 111

Table 27 Journal Operation Window Details – List (continued)
Blank: No data volumes are registered in this journal group.
Mirror ID: Identifies the mirror. This column is blank if the attribute of the journal group is neither
master nor restore.
S/N (LDKC): The serial number of the remote storage system. The LDKC number is enclosed in
parentheses after the serial number. This column is blank if the attribute of the journal group is
neither master nor restore.
Pair JNLG : The number of a journal group in the remote storage system. This column is blank if
the attribute of the journal group is neither master nor restore.
Controller ID: The controller ID (name indicating the model) of the remote storage system. The
controller ID for an XP24000/XP20000 disk array is 5. This column is blank if the attribute of
the journal group is neither master nor restore.
Path Gr. ID: Displays path group IDs, which are used to identify path groups (that is, groups of
logical paths). Up to eight logical paths can be registered in one path group. This column is blank
if the attribute of the journal group is neither master nor restore.
EXCTG: Shows the following information sequentially if the journal group belongs to an extended
consistency group:
◦ The extended consistency group number
◦ The serial number, the LDKC number (the LDKC number is enclosed by parentheses), and the
controller ID at the right side of the slash (/). This column is blank if the attribute of the journal
group is neither master nor restore.
Remote Command Device: Displays LDEV numbers if the remote command device is assigned to
the mirror. This column is blank if the remote command device is not assigned to the mirror.
Table 28 Journal Operation Window Details – Other
The Preview list shows changes that have been made in the window. Changes appear in the Preview
list before they are applied to the storage systems. If you are sure that the information in the Preview
is correct, click Apply to send the changes to the storage system.
Preview list
When the Preview list shows the changes that have been made, you can only perform the same type
of operation that you have been doing and cannot perform most of the other operations (you can
only view detailed information about journal groups even when the Preview list displays changes).
For example, if you are trying to delete journal groups and the Preview list shows the journal groups
that you want to delete, you are unable to perform any other operations; for example, you are unable
to split mirrors and restore mirrors.
Indicates the operation that will occur when you click Apply.
Edit JNL Volumes: Register or delete journal volumes
Change JNL Option: Change journal group options
Delete JNL Groups: Delete a journal group
Suspend Pair: Split a mirror
Resume Pair: Restore a mirror
Delete Pair: Delete a mirror
Remove JNLG from EXCTG (Force): Forcibly delete a journal group from an extended consistency
Assign R-Cmd.Dev: Assign a remote command device to a mirror
Release R-Cmd.Dev: Release an assigned remote command device
Blank: Nothing will occur when you click Apply.
The number to the left of the slash (/) indicates the number of items appearing in the Preview list.
The number to the right of the slash is the maximum number of items that can appear in the Preview
Journal Operation Window