HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 82

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Issue a request for creating a Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair to the MCU where
Universal Replicator for Mainframe is installed.

When creating a Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair, be sure to select a value from 1 to
3 as the mirror ID.


Wait until the status of the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair becomes Duplex.


You must ensure that the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous pair status changes to

Duplex before the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair status changes to Duplex. If you have
made a request for changing the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair status to Duplex before
the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous pair status changes to Duplex, the request will be rejected.

For detailed information about installing and using TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous, see the
Hitachi TrueCopy™ for Mainframe User's Guide: HP XP24000 Disk Array, HP XP20000 Disk
. For detailed information about the Universal Replicator for Mainframe journal group
configuration, see

“Journal Group Operations” (page 27)

. For detailed information about port

configuration, see

“Configuring Port Attributes” (page 139)


Transferring Business Tasks Back to the Primary Site

After performing a disaster recovery as explained in

“Disaster Recovery in a 3DC Cascading

Configuration” (page 223)

and removing failures at the primary site or other locations, you will be

able to transfer the business tasks back to the primary site.

To transfer the business tasks back to the primary site, follow this procedure, using Business
Continuity Manager:


Stop the business tasks at the secondary site.


If the disaster recovery operation (as explained in

“Disaster Recovery in a 3DC Cascading

Configuration” (page 223)

) could not change the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair status

to Duplex and could not reverse the copy direction, use Business Continuity Manager to execute
the YKRESYNC REVERSE command (a command for re-establishing a pair) onto the journal
groups that will make a Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair between the intermediate
site and the secondary site.


Wait until the status of the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair changes to Duplex.


Use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKSUSPND REVERSE command (a command
for splitting a pair and stopping the copy operation temporarily) onto the journal groups that
will make a Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair between the intermediate site and the
secondary site.


Wait until the status of the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair changes to Suspend.


If the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous volume is not in Simplex status, use Business
Continuity Manager to execute the YKDELETE command (a command for releasing a pair)
onto the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous pair, and then wait until the status changes to


If the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous volume is in Simplex status, use Business Continuity
Manager to execute the YKMAKE REVERSE command (a command for establishing a pair)
onto the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous pair that exists between the primary site and
the intermediate site.


Use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKSUSPND FORWARD command onto the
TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous pair that exists between the primary site and the
intermediate site.


Use Business Continuity Manager to execute the YKDELETE command onto the TrueCopy for
Mainframe Synchronous pair that exists between the primary site and the intermediate site.


Preparing for Universal Replicator for Mainframe Operations