Requirements, Requirements for, Requirements for performing a – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 87

For detailed information about installing and using TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous, see the
Hitachi TrueCopy™ for Mainframe User's Guide: HP XP24000 Disk Array, HP XP20000 Disk
For detailed information about Universal Replicator for Mainframe journal group configuration,
“Journal Group Operations” (page 27)
. For detailed information about port configuration, see
“Configuring Port Attributes” (page 139)
Requirements for Creating Universal Replicator for Mainframe Pair for the Delta Resync Operation
To create a Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair for the delta resync operation, the following
steps must be taken:
Create the pair in the 3DC multi-target configuration.
Use TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous R-VOL in Duplex status as the primary data volume.
Use Universal Replicator for Mainframe data volume in Duplex status as the secondary data
Use the mirror ID from 1 to 3 that is not used by the secondary data volume.
Fulfill the conditions to combine Universal Replicator for Mainframe with other functions in
Set system option mode 506 to ON at all sites.
In addition to the above-mentioned requirements, all Universal Replicator for Mainframe pairs in
the journal group must satisfy the following requirements when you create more than one Universal
Replicator for Mainframe pair for the delta resync operation:
Use the same mirror ID for all pairs.
Use the same restore journal group for all pairs.
Requirements for Performing a Delta Resync Operation
To perform a delta resync operation, specify a Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair that belongs
to the journal group whose Universal Replicator for Mainframe pairs meet these requirements:
Status of the primary data volume is Hold.
Using the volume of the TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous pair as the primary data volume:
If you use TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous M-VOL, the pair status should be Duplex
or Swapping.
If you use TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous R-VOL, the pair status should be
Check the pair status after the Business Continuity Manager YKSUSPEND REVERSE
command and YKRESYNC REVERSE command are executed.
If any Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair in the journal group does not meet the
requirements, an error occurs even if the specified Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair
meets the requirements.
The secondary data volume uses two mirror IDs: the status of the secondary volume that uses
one of the two mirror IDs must be Hold, and the status of the secondary volume that uses
another mirror ID must be Duplex or Suspend.
All differential data between the primary data volume and the secondary data volume must
be stored in the master journal group.
Immediately after you have created the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair for the delta resync
operation, or if the failure occurred at the primary site immediately after the recovery of the TrueCopy
for Mainframe Synchronous or the Universal Replicator for Mainframe pair, only a part of the
Interoperability with Other Products and Functions