Reset integrated lights-out (ilo), Alarm, Operating system – HP Insight Management Agents User Manual
Page 125: File system space used, Disk space usage bar graph, Disk space usage thresholds, Resetting and saving thresholds

Reset Integrated Lights-Out (iLO)
The Reset Remote Insight button is used to Reset the Remote Insight Board. Once the Remote Insight
is reset, The HP Insight Management Agents takes a minimum of two minutes to reconnect with the
Remote Insight depending upon the poll interval.
If your system supports Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition, the following alerts are available:
Status—Indicates if alerts are enabled at the iLO. This is a global flag and governs all users.
If alerts are disabled, alarms are not sent.
Pending Alarm—Displays if the alert is unable to determine the state of the iLO, or if all alerts
have been delivered or if there are alerts pending that still need to be sent.
If your system supports the Integrated Lights-Out Edition, the following alerts are available:
Remote Insight Alerts—Allow users to enable or disable the alerts by clicking the button.
Host Alerts allow users to enable or disable the alerts by clicking the button.
Pending Alarm—Displays if the alert is unable to determine the state of the Remote Insight, or
if all alerts have been delivered or if there are alerts pending that still need to be sent
Operating System
File System Space Used
This page is used to display File System Space Used in either text or GUI mode. You need to install
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on production servers to view the GUI-based threshold settings. If
JRE is not installed, then File System Space Used page is displayed in the default text mode.
Select the File System Space Used entry from the Mass Storage list to display the name of each
volume, the number of megabytes used by that volume out of the total available, the number of
megabytes unused by that volume, the total number of megabytes available, and the percentage
of total space used. If disk space thresholds are set for any of the volumes, they are represented
by arrows at the top of the disk space usage bar graph.
Disk Space Usage Bar Graph
The bar graph uses a color code to indicate disk space status. The bar is blue if the disk space
usage is at or below the warning and critical thresholds or if no thresholds have been set for the
volume. The bar is yellow if the disk space usage is above the warning threshold and below the
critical threshold. The bar is red if the disk space usage is above the critical threshold. The unused
space on the volume is displayed in gray.
Disk Space Usage Thresholds
The disk space usage threshold values are displayed inside triangular shaped indicators above
the disk space usage bar graph. A yellow indicator is used for the warning threshold and a red
indicator is used for the critical threshold. If the indicator is gray, then a threshold has not been
created for this volume, or the threshold has been disabled.
Resetting and Saving Thresholds
If you have security access to create, modify, or delete thresholds, two buttons display at the end
of the page:
Reset to Original Values
Save Thresholds
If there is more than one volume, a Synchronize thresholds for all volumes checkbox displays.
Select the checkbox to set all critical thresholds to the highest critical threshold value, and to set
Sub-system Classification