HP 12000 Virtual Library System EVA Gateway User Manual
Page 51

Pool type
Status message
Gathering deduplication instructions needed for replication using tape
Echo Copy
Export Preprocessing*
Copying content from the source cartridge onto a physical tape.
Echo Copy
Copying content from the source cartridge will continue on another
physical tape.
Echo Copy
Partially Exported*
Waiting for the remaining cartridges in the pool to finish exporting.
Echo Copy
Export In Use*
Importing status on the destination library, In Sync status on the source
Echo Copy
In Transit/Importing*
Importing status on the destination library, loaded into a drive by the
backup application the source VLS.
Echo Copy
Importing/In Use*
Importing status on the destination library, creating deduplication
instructions on the source VLS.
Echo Copy
Importing status on the destination library, Out Of Sync status on the
source VLS.
Echo Copy
Importing/Out of Sync*
Gathering the deduplication instructions needed for replication.
Echo Copy
Mirror Preprocessing*
A mirror preprocess job is awaiting resources in order to run.
Echo Copy
Mirror Preprocess Pending*
Expanding deduplication instructions to update the target cartridge.
Echo Copy
Mirror Postprocessing*
Cleaning up replication data on the source.
Echo Copy
A problem occurred when attempting to eject a physical cartridge.
Echo Copy
Eject Broken
A problem occurred during source cartridge creation process.
Echo Copy
Header Broken
A problem occurred while restoring a cartridge.
Echo Copy
Restore Broken
A restore job is awaiting resources in order to run.
Echo Copy
Restore Pending
A mirror job was paused.
Echo Copy
The physical tape has not yet been used yet.
Tape Export
Empty Tape
Copying a source virtual cartridge onto this physical tape.
Tape Export
Tape contains export data.
Tape Export
Used Tape
Tape contains export data and is ready to be ejected. Signal to tape
operator to unload this tape from the physical library.
Tape Export
Full Tape
Tape contains export data and has been ejected. This tape should be
included in the collection to be sent to the target site.
Tape Export
Unloaded Full Tape
Tape that contains data that will be imported when the tape operator
moves it into an Import pool slot. Signal to tape operator to load this
tape into the physical library.
Tape Export
Waiting for Load
Tape in an Import pool slot that is in the catalog, but not needed yet.
Signal to tape operator to remove the tape from the physical library.
Tape Export
Tape Currently Not Needed
Unable to write tape. It does not contain any export data and is ready
to be ejected. This tape should NOT be sent to the target site.
Tape Export
Bad Tape
Tape that contains data that will be imported later.
Tape Import
Unloaded Tape
Tape that contains data that will be imported when the tape operator
moves it into an Import pool slot. Signal to tape operator to load this
tape into the physical library.
Tape Import
Waiting for Load
Tape in an Import pool slot that is in the catalog, but not needed yet.
Signal to tape operator to remove the tape from the physical library.
Tape Import
Tape Currently Not Needed
SAN Destination Library Operations