HP 12000 Virtual Library System EVA Gateway User Manual

Page 180

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Possible causes


This is normal and will not cause

Real autoloader libraries do not
support barcodes.

Netbackup does not display the
cartridge barcodes for Autoloader
library emulations on the VLS.

To turn on barcode reader support in
Data Protector:

By default, the barcode reader support
is turned off in Data Protector 5.1.

HP Data Protector 5.1 does not
display the VLS cartridge barcodes.

1. Click Device & Media.

2. Right-click the VLS library name and
select Properties.

3. Click the Control tab.

4. Click the Barcode reader support box
to select it.

Stop the Removable Storage Manager
or Removable Storage program, and

The Removable Storage Manager or
Removable Storage program on a

VLS performance is being reduced by
test unit ready (TURs) from a Windows
host with access to the VLS.

set the startup type to Disabled on the

Windows host is submitting TURs to
the VLS.

Windows host using the Services utility
located under Control Panel >
Administrative Tools.

Refer to the Microsoft website at:

Windows Removable Storage
Manager service (RSM) polls tape

VLS performance is being reduced by
frequent tape drive polling.



drives on a frequent basis—every

complete the following steps to disable
RSM polling:

three seconds in Microsoft Windows
2000, and every second in Windows
Server 2003. Windows’ built-in


Install the or later driver.

backup software (NTBACKUP) relies


Disable device polling in the system

on the RSM polling to detect media
changes in the tape drive. In SAN

• Establish a CLI session.

configurations, this RSM polling can
have a significant negative impact on

• Log into the system as



tape drive performance. For SAN
configurations, HP strongly
recommends disabling RSM polling.

• Run RegEdit and navigate to

the following registry:

• To disable RSM polling, edit the


value found in this key.

A value of 0 (zero) indicates that
polling is disabled; a value of 1
indicates that polling is enabled.


After completing steps 1 and 2,
reboot the affected system.


Repeat this procedure for every
server visible to tape drives.


Adding or removing

tape drives may cause an older driver
.inf file to be reread, which can
re-enable RSM polling. If tape drives
are added or removed, check the
registry for proper configuration. If
necessary, repeat step 2 and 3 above.

To disable polling in the HP SDLT driver
(v3.0.2.0 or later):


Open the Device Manager on the
server connected to the tape drive.


Double-click an SDLT tape drive.


Click the DLT tab.

180 Troubleshooting