Obtaining the update (flash) recommendation, All components, Syntax – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

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Example 27 Discover the active firmware version for a set of components

# hpsp_fmt -d -c ilo3,enclosure_io_mod,nic,oa
Enter OA Username:Administrator
Enter OA Password:
Based on the configuration, FW discovery may take 18 minutes.
<<< Completed >>>

Device Device ID Active FW Version Device Information Parent Device ID
ILO3 ILOUSE051560N 1.26 N/A N/A
NIC N/A 4.0.493.0 NC553i N/A
Enclosure_IO_Mod 50014380027F73A7 3.60 Encl:1,Io_Module_A N/A
Enclosure_IO_Mod 50014380027F73D7 3.60 Encl:1,Io_Module_B N/A
Enclosure_IO_Mod 50014380027F76D7 3.60 Encl:2,Io_Module_B N/A
Enclosure_IO_Mod 50014380027F76A7 3.60 Encl:2,Io_Module_A N/A
OA OB1CBP8359 3.56 20120525 OA (Active) N/A
OA O985MP4032 3.56 20120525 OA (Standby) N/A

Obtaining the update (flash) recommendation





The output of the --flashrec command includes the recommended action and the severity of
the recommended action. The update recommendation action can be one of the following:

UPGRADE: The active firmware version of the component is lower than the qualified version
and should be upgraded.

DOWNGRADE: The active firmware version of the component is higher than the qualified
version and should be downgraded.

NONE: The active firmware version of the component is equal to the qualified version. No
action is needed unless you want to force a rewrite of the firmware in the case of the current
firmware being corrupt.

The severity of the recommended action can be one of the following:

MANDATORY: It is critical to update the firmware for optimal performance and system stability.

RECOMMENDED: It is optional to update the firmware from a functionality standpoint. However,
it is highly recommended to update the firmware for system stability.

The output also contains information about the reboot requirement of a component for a successful
firmware update, where necessary.

A verbose report includes additional information such as approximate flash duration, dependent
components, and so on.

All components

To get the flash firmware recommendation for all components, run the following command:

# hpsp_fmt –fr all

For X9720 and 9730 platforms, discovering the active firmware version of all components requires
the administrative privileged user credentials of the Onboard Administrator (OA) for the chassis

You can supply the credentials using the options –ci and -cu, or the tool will prompt you for the

Alternatively, you can use the –credservice option to enable the tool to fetch the OA credentials
from the credential management service running on the server.


StoreAll 9730 and IBRIX X9720 FMT command reference and examples