Discovering the active firmware versions, All components, Syntax – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 37: Description

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VC_Flex-10 :HP VC Flex-10 Enet Module
3Gb_SAS_BL_SW :HP 3Gb SAS BL Switch

Discovering the active firmware versions


The complete syntax for the discover command is:

# hpsp_fmt --discover [all|server|storage|--component

{ [, …]}] [--format ] [--oaip ]

[--credservice]|[--ctrluser ] [--ctrlpasswd ]}

You can also replace --discover with -d.


Discover the active firmware version for all components, a component category, a single component,
or a set of components.

All components

To discover the active firmware version of all components, run the following command:

# hpsp_fmt –d all

For X9720 and 9730 platforms, discovering the active firmware version of all components
requires the Onboard Administrator privileged user credentials for the chassis components.

You can supply the credentials using the options -ou and -op, or the tool will prompt you for the
credentials. Alternatively, you can use the –credservice option to enable the tool to fetch the
OA credentials from the credential management service running on the server.

Example 24 Discover the active firmware version of all components on the 9730 platform

# hpsp_fmt -d all –ou -op
Based on the configuration, FW discovery may take 20 minutes.
<<< Completed >>>

Device Device ID Active FW Version Device Information Parent Device ID
BIOS USE051560N I27 05/05/2011 N/A N/A
ILO3 ILOUSE051560N 1.26 N/A N/A
NIC N/A 4.0.493.0 NC553i N/A
Power_Mgmt_Ctlr N/A 1.5 N/A N/A
SERVER_HDD ECA1PBC0BGNS1149 HPD4 PORT:1I BOX:1 BAY:1 Ctlr:5001438010E0BC80
SERVER_HDD ECA1PBC0BGNA1149 HPD4 PORT:1I BOX:1 BAY:2 Ctlr:5001438010E0BC80
Smart_Array_Ctlr 5001438010E0BC80 5.70 P410i Chas:USE051560N
Storage_Ctlr PBGJR0XTAZ406R 1.68 2012081601 1210m N/A
Enclosure_HDD Z1N0RXKP0000C228A54F HPD2 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 1 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2EQEC00009847RG1L HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 2 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ28080000099102R1L HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 3 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2EBVG00009902ZBQB HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 4 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ1JFSH00009852UWDC HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 5 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ0BC9A00009838ZH6U HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 6 N/A
Enclosure_HDD Z1N15VVT0000C2375VFD HPD2 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 7 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ1TNET00009907SQ63 HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 8 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2700400009909G7AA HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 9 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ0BBLN00009838ZJR8 HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 10 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ26ZKS00009909G67L HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 11 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ1F46H00009848HRAD HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 12 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2702300009909G4XK HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 13 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2EV3F00009848JMQ7 HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 14 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2DQF50000990897L6 HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 15 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ089VK00008821104C HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 16 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ26ZH700009909G6P5 HPD8 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 17 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2706Y00009909PSV2 HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 18 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ0BBBR00009839R0QY HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 19 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2EQ5800009847ZT0B HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 20 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ26Z2F00009909G46F HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 21 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ0BB2A00009839R1NQ HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 22 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ0BBKW00009839FFFE HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 23 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ6SFVA00009022CXD8 HPD8 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 24 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 3QJ09CMK00009832W31M HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 25 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ2705K00009845J6VR HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 26 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ1J2WX00009903N9PJ HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 27 N/A
Enclosure_HDD 9QJ1FRM600009848HQQJ HPD7 Port: 51 Box: 1 Bay: 28 N/A

Discovering the active firmware versions