HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 102
This section assumes that the user is familiar with batch files and does not provide instructions for
writing or editing batch files. The macro commands and parameters listed in this section are the
only commands recognized by the scripting function.
The user is responsible for testing the scripting function before running any scripts. If
a script is run without prior testing and the script ends abnormally, data loss could occur. Before
testing a script, back up the data and vary the volumes offline. If the volumes must remain online,
back up the data and confirm that the target pair defined in the script is correct. The results of a
script can be confirmed by checking the latest pair status update (Last Update Time field on
Continuous Access Synchronous Z Detailed Information dialog box).
The scripting command names did not change when the product name changed from HRC to
Continuous Access Synchronous Z. Your existing XP256 Disk Array HRC scripting files can be
used for Continuous Access Synchronous Z operations.
lists the Continuous Access Synchronous Z pair macro commands.
lists the internal macro commands for scripting. The following operations
cannot be performed using scripting and must be performed using the Remote Web Console
Configure serial/fibre ports
Monitor remote copy activity
Clear remote copy SIMs
Add/delete RCU
Change RCU options
Add/delete path/SSID
View RCU status
The scripting command names did not change when the product name changed from HRC to
Continuous Access Synchronous Z. Your existing XP256 Disk Array HRC scripting files can be
used for pair operations.
Table 45 Functional macro commands for Continuous Access Synchronous Z scripting
Scripting macro
Registers a pair or pairs. (StartHrcPair is used to start the initial copy operation.)
Releases a pair or pairs.
Suspends a pair or pairs.
Resynchronizes a pair or pairs. This command must be used with StartHrcPair.
Changes the pair options for a pair or pairs.
Starts remote copy operations for the new pairs and/or resynchronized pairs specified in the
preceding scripting commands.
Displays the status of a pair or pairs.
Searches paired devices.
Table 46 Internal macro commands for Continuous Access Synchronous Z scripting
Set (define) a list of items.
For lists
Add items to a list.
Declares the beginning of a script.
For non-lists
Declares the end of a script.
102 Continuous Access Synchronous Z scripting