8 legacy functional blocks, 1 parallel port, 1 parallel port register and bit maps – AMD Geode SC3200 User Manual

Page 127: Legacy functional blocks, Table 5-33, Parallel port register map for first level offset, Table 5-34, Parallel port register map for second level offset

8 legacy functional blocks, 1 parallel port, 1 parallel port register and bit maps | Legacy functional blocks, Table 5-33, Parallel port register map for first level offset, Table 5-34, Parallel port register map for second level offset | AMD Geode SC3200 User Manual | Page 127 / 428 8 legacy functional blocks, 1 parallel port, 1 parallel port register and bit maps | Legacy functional blocks, Table 5-33, Parallel port register map for first level offset, Table 5-34, Parallel port register map for second level offset | AMD Geode SC3200 User Manual | Page 127 / 428