6 autocal operation and best practices, E-m-hg2-s-v2.1 – ROTRONIC Hygrogen2 User Manual
Page 32

Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland
Document code
HygroGen2: Humidity and Temperature Generator
with AutoCal/AutoCal+, Remote Control and
Range Extensions options.
Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual for Software
Version 2.1
Document Type
Page 28 of 75
Document title
4.1.6 AutoCal Operation and Best Practices
Once the program and adjustment points are determined, programs are started by pressing the “Play”
(>) button. After a successful run, provided AutoCal has successfully communicated with the probe
under test for every selected sample point at every set-point, AutoCal saves a time-stamped PDF
calibration certificate to a USB drive plugged into the HygroGen2. The same information is stored in a
corresponding .csv file. If, for any reason, communication with the probe under test is interrupted (by
unplugging the probe, for example), only the .csv file will be saved, with the associated data actually
recorded. Included in each file is the program name, set- and adjustment-points, probe serial numbers
and relevant calibration reference information. It is, further, possible to upload a custom logo and other
user and reference information (see
). A separate PDF is generated for each probe. NB:
AutoCal will not run unless a USB drive is detected by the HygroGen2.
Before selecting a probe for adjustment, it is recommended to perform an initial assessment calibration
run without adjustment selected. At the end of the run, examine the PDF calibration certificate saved
to the USB drive and determine whether you want to re-run the program with adjustment selected.
At the first adjustment-point to be applied, AutoCal will initially delete any previously saved calibration
points stored on the probe. This is recorded on the certificate. It will then apply the values of the
reference probe as a corrected value. This value is determined at the instant the correction is saved and
is not an average of the previously recorded points as shown in the calibration certificate; these are
shown in the certificate to give the user an estimate of stability.
Please note, for probes with adjustment selected, AutoCal will always attempt to make an adjustment.
If the correction is smaller than the resolution of the probe itself, the adjustment may not be applied.
If, at the end of the run, the probe has acknowledged all instructions it has been sent, the “Completed“
button will turn green on the AutoCal screen and the PDF is saved to the USB drive. Details of the probe’s
progress throughout the run can be viewed via the “Details” button.
Please note, the performance of a HygroClip2 within its stated specification is based on temperature
adjustment being made at 23°C. AutoCal does permit the adjustment to be made at other temperatures.
However, this is only recommended when the operational environment of the probe being adjusted is
only ever at another specific temperature, e.g. a stability cabinet at 40°C. Adjustments made at
temperatures other than 23°C risk comprising the probe’s ability to meet its specification within the
range of optimal performance: 18 to 28°C.
Please note that HW4 cannot be used at the same time as AutoCal.
© 2014; Rotronic AG