Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual
Page 57

User Guide
Spectral Tab
Lists the display elements for Adobe Audition’s spectral display. Select an
item from the list and click the Change Color button to adjust the element’s color.
For Spectrum, choose one of these options:
Reverse Direction: Inverts the normal colors of the spectrum display, similar to an
Invert or Negative command in a photo editor.
Gamma: Adjusts the overall brightness of the Spectral View. Positive numbers make the
display brighter, while negative numbers darken the display. This setting works just like
the Gamma function in many image editors.
To adjust the appearance of the selected (highlighted) portions of waveforms in spectral
display, choose a Selection option.
Transparency: Drag the slider or enter a value to adjust the transparent value (in
percentage) of a selection; 0 is no transparency, and 100 is maximum transparency.
Invert: Select to set the selection colors to the inverse of the nonselected colors.
Controls Tab
Lists the Adobe Audition control elements for which you can change colors.
Select an item from the list and click the Change Color button to adjust the element’s color.
Select Segmented Progress Bar to make the progress bar segmented instead of solid. The
progress bar appears when you apply an effect, or open or save large waveforms.
Select White Progress Background to make the background of the progress bar white.
For Dockable Windows, select one of the following options:
Use System 3D Color: Select to make dockable windows use your system’s 3D color.
This is the color Windows uses to render most windows on your system.
Use Darkened System 3D Color: Select to make dockable windows use the darkened
version of your system’s 3D color.
Use Specified 3D Color: Select to make Adobe Audition’s dockable windows use the 3D
color you specify.
To change the 3D color, select Dockable Windows 3D Color in the controls list, and then
click the Change Color button to select a new color. Page 49 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM