Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual
Page 249

User Guide
PCM Raw Data (.pcm) (.raw)
This format is simply the PCM dump of all data for the wave. No header information is
contained in the file. For this reason, you must select the sample rate, resolution, and
number of channels upon opening the file.
By opening audio data as PCM, you can interpret almost any audio file format—but make
sure that you have some idea about the sample rate, number of channels, and so on. You
can also interpret the data as A-law or mu-law compressed. When you guess at these
parameters upon opening a file, it may sound incorrect (depending on which parameters
are wrong). Once the file is opened and sounds fine, you may hear clicks at the start or end
of the waveform, or sometimes throughout. These clicks are various header information
being interpreted as waveform material. Just cut these out, and you’ve read in a wave in an
unknown format.
Choose from the following:
Data Formatted As specifies the format of the saved data.
When Opening, Offset Input Data By specifies the number of bytes by which to offset
the input data.
Create .DAT Header File On Save writes a header to a separate .dat file to make
reopening the file easier. Page 241 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM