Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual
Page 303

User Guide
grid lines, showing or hiding 50
Group Waveform Normalize
command 244
Hard Limiting effect 137
Help 3
Help tab, Favorites dialog box 255
Hertz (Hz), defined 281
hidden clips, revealing 179
Hiss Reduction effect 127
horizontal scroll bar 19
Hybrid tool 164, 168
IFF format 233
audio 61
files 25
video files 208
IMPS folder 154
and the Convolution effect 154
and the Full Reverb effect 151
defined 281
Impulse (.imp) files 154
Index cue
about 98
defined 281
input devices
adjusting record levels 82
choosing 36
monitoring levels 80
setting properties 38
input gain
adjusting 82
monitoring 80
Insert Audio From Video
command 208
Insert In CD Project command 258
Insert Video command 208
Insert/Delete Time command 163
empty audio clips 178
files into tracks 25
interleaved 6-channel Windows
Media 9 Pro (WMA) 223
interpolate, defined 281
inverting audio 106
ISRC number 260
keyboard shortcuts 12
latency, correcting 39
left channel
editing 92
selecting data in 88
Level Meters
defined 282
using 80
levels, adjusting 82
LFE 217
limiter, defined 282
limiting 246
Linear Energy Plot 50
linking sessions to Adobe Premiere
Pro and After Effects 51
Load Meter 165
Logarithmic Energy Plot 50
Loop Duplicate command 173
Loop Info tab 200
Loop Properties command 202
about 197
defined 282
defining 198
extending or shortening 205
key of 200, 202, 204
previewing 77
properties in Edit View 200
properties in Multitrack View
stretching to fit 201
synchronizing 205
tempo of 200, 202, 204
lossless encoding 239
macros 243
magnifying analysis graphs 122
magnifying the display 17
Manage Temporary Folder Reserve
Space command 57
Marquee Selection tool 88
audio 117
CDs 257
defined 282
memory, allocating buffers 46, 54
menus 12
Merge This Take (Destructive)
command 75
Merge/Rejoin Split command 172
metadata 116
metronome 204
Microsoft ACM 233
Microsoft DirectX 214 Page 295 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM