Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual
Page 189

User Guide
Soloing and muting tracks
You can solo tracks to hear them separately from the rest of a mix. Conversely, you can
mute tracks to silence them in a mix.
To solo a track:
In the track controls, click the Solo button
To solo multiple tracks, hold down Ctrl and press their Solo buttons.
To mute a track:
In the track controls, click the Mute button
Specifying track input and output devices
Using the In and Out buttons in the track controls, you can specify input and output
devices for each track. The text on these buttons changes to reflect the device you specify.
When you specify an output device, you can specify either a hardware output or a bus
output. Bus outputs let you create submixes of selected tracks (for example, drum tracks),
which you can then route to a hardware output. (See “Using the Bus Mixer” on page 193.)
On the EQ tab of the track controls, the In and Out buttons are hidden by default. To
reveal these buttons, increase the width of the track controls by dragging the right border.
To specify an input device for a track:
In the track controls, click the In button.
From the Device Type menu, choose the device type.
From the list box, select the input device.
In the Input Options section, specify the channel and bit depth. (To apply these input
options to all tracks, select Same For All Tracks.)
To specify an output device for a track:
In the track controls, click the Out button.
Select a hardware output from the Devices list or a bus output from the Busses list. Page 181 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM