Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual

Page 256

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Scripting and Batch Processing

Click Hide Path to display the name of the file without its full path.

Click Open Raw PCM As to select the desired Sample Rate, Channels, Resolution, and
other properties. Use this option only when converting Raw PCM files.


Click the Run Script tab at the bottom of the Batch Processing dialog box.


Select Run A Script. Then, click Browse to locate and select a script collection (*.scp)

file, and click Open.


Choose a script from the Script menu. The only scripts that you can use for batch

processing (and the only ones that appear in the list) are those that were recorded in Script
Works On Current Wave mode. (See “Working with scripts” on page 249.)


Click the Resample tab.


Select Conversion Settings to change each waveform’s sample properties to a common

set of values. Then, click Change Destination Format to specify the values. (See
“Converting the sample type” on page 110.) If you don’t select Conversion Settings, the
sample properties for the destination files are the same as those for the source files.


Click the New Format tab.


From the Output menu, choose a format for the destination files.


Click Format Properties to display options for the destination format.

Note: Sample Format Types lists the sample properties of the waveforms that are to be
converted. If more than one entry is listed, you might have to select different properties for
each, depending on the destination format. For instance, a 22 kHz mono waveform might
need different encoding options than a 44 kHz stereo file.


Click the Destination tab.


Select a destination folder, specify how files are renamed by setting the following

options, and then click Run Batch:

Same As File’s Source Folder

Saves modified files in the same folder as the file’s source file.

Other Folder

Specifies the folder in which to save modified files. Click Browse to locate

a folder.

Overwrite Existing Files

Saves existing files with a new name.

Delete Source File If Converted OK

Deletes source files after they are converted successfully. Page 248 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM