Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual
Page 242

Saving, Exporting, and Closing Files
AIFF is a good choice for Windows/Mac OS cross-platform compatibility. Before you
open AIFF files in Adobe Audition, add the .aif or .snd extension to the file and open it by
using the Apple AIFF file filter. When you transfer an AIFF file to a Macintosh, you can add
the four character code “AIFF” in the file’s resource fork to have it recognized. (The
Macintosh identifies a file through its “resource,” which is removed when a file is opened
on a Windows computer. However, many Mac OS applications that support AIFF can
recognize the PCM data without this identifier.)
ASCII Text Data (.txt)
Audio data can be read to or written from files in a standard text format, with each sample
separated by a carriage return, and channels separated by a tab character. An optional
header can be placed before the data. If no header text exists, then the data is assumed to
be 16-bit signed decimal integers. The header is formatted as a KEYWORD: value with the
NORMALIZED. The values for NORMALIZED are either TRUE or FALSE. For example,
S A M P L E S : 1 5 8 2
B I TS PE R S A M P L E : 1 6
C H A N N E L S : 2
S A M P L E R AT E : 2 2 0 5 0
N O R M A L I Z E D : FA L S E
1 6 4 < t a b > - 1 3 7 2
4 9 2 < t a b > - 8 7 6
Choose any of the following:
Include Format Header places a header before the data.
Normalized Data normalizes the data between –1.0 and 1.0.
Audition Loop (.cel)
This format produces compressed Adobe Audition loop files, which are essentially .mp3
files with a .cel extension. Each .cel file has a header that contains loop information, such
as the number of beats, tempo, key, and stretch method.
You can also save loops in uncompressed formats, such as Windows PCM. Page 234 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM