Adobe AUDITION 1.5 User Manual

Page 201

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User Guide


Locks or unlocks a track. If the Lock button is disabled, the track has no effects.

H, M, L

Show the amplitude of high, mid, and low equalization frequencies applied to the

track. To change one of these values, drag across the text box. Dragging to the right
increases the value, while dragging to the left reduces it.

Pan controls

Adjust the balance of each track. To use the control that looks like an asterisk,

drag it to one of three positions: hard left, zero pan, and hard right. The Pan text box
provides a more precise way of adjusting pan. To change a pan value, drag across the text
box to the left or right.

Mute and Solo buttons

Let you mute or solo a track. Click the Mute button for as many

tracks as you like to turn off their output. Click the Solo button to solo the track. To solo
multiple tracks, hold down the Ctrl key as you click the Solo buttons.

Track faders

Adjust the track’s relative volume in the mix. Move the slider up (or click the

triangle above it) to increase the volume; move it down (or click the triangle below it) to
reduce the volume. Alternatively, enter a value (in decibels) in the text box above the slider.

Scroll bar

Lets you scroll from tracks 1 to 128 and any point in between.

Using the Bus Mixer

Adobe Audition gives you the ability to organize multiple tracks into buses, which are
especially useful for grouping related tracks and collectively adding real-time effects or
adjusting volume. For example, you can output four tracks of background vocals to one bus,
and then apply one reverb effect to that bus. (Individually applying the same reverb to each
vocal track would inefficiently drain CPU resources.) You can create up to 26 buses.

After you create and configure a bus, you can output tracks to it. (See “Specifying track
input and output devices” on page 181.) Then, on the Bus tab of the track controls, you
can change the ratio of wet to dry sound that tracks send to assigned buses. Page 193 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:29 PM