Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual
Page 96
Press the key below the 8 cell turret icon to highlight the
icon and the two arrow icons above. Press the keys adjacent
to the arrow icons to increase or decrease the current cell
position of the turret, until the required sample position
has been selected. Press the key below the measure sample
icon. The instrument will perform a reading and display the
result on the screen. To measure the next sample select the
next turret position and press the key below the measure
sample icon. Repeat this process until all the samples have been measured. To adjust the wavelength
press the key below the 8 cell turret icon and use the arrow icons to adjust the wavelength. Automatic 8 cell turret – supporting creation of a standard curve in quantitation
The 8 cell turret can be used to support creation of a new standard curve in the quantitation and protein
measurement modes. Refer to section for more details.
When the standard measurement screen is open the 8
cell turret icon will be displayed in the bottom left hand
corner of the screen. The current cell position is displayed
adjacent to the 8 cell turret icon. The 0 position should
always be used for the zero calibration sample.
To measure the standards using the automatic 8 cell turret, insert the cuvettes containing the standards
into turret positions 1 to 7 (if greater than 7 standards are being used the cuvettes containing standards
8 to 12 must be inserted into the turret after the earlier standards have been measured). Insert the
cuvette containing the blank solution into turret position 0. Press the key adjacent to the tick icon to
perform an initial calibration to zero absorbance.
Use the keys adjacent to the arrow icons to increase the turret position, until the required standard
position has been selected. Press the key adjacent to the tick icon to measure the standard. The standard
concentration and photometric value will then be displayed. The standard can be re-measured by pressing
the key adjacent to the back icon.
To measure the next standard select the next turret position and press the key adjacent to tick icon.
Repeat this process until all the standards have been measured.
18.3.2 Peltier
When the Peltier is in use the Peltier icon is displayed in
the bottom right hand corner of the screen. The current
temperature is displayed above the set point temperature
adjacent to the Peltier icon. An arrow icon is displayed
above or below the Peltier icon depending on if the current
temperature is above or below the set temperature. To
adjust the set point temperature hold the key below the
Peltier icon for 2 seconds.