Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual
Page 74
SECTION 16 – OD 600
The OD 600 measurement mode enables optical density measurements of cell cultures and broths to be
performed. In this measurement mode it is possible to use a known factor to estimate the number of
cells or the user can determine the factor to be used by measuring a standard solution containing a pre-
determined number of cells. An instrument normalisation factor can also be applied to equate the results
obtained on different spectrophotometers. The sample solution is measured at one wavelength at one
point in time. There are no post measurement calculations available in this measurement mode.
The OD 600 operating menu enables measurement
parameters to be changed. The utility toolbar on the left
hand side of the screen enables access to printing, print
setup options, results, methods and autologging options.
For more details on the different functions of the utility
toolbar refer to section 17.
The settings icon enables the wavelength, units, resolution, standard concentration, concentration factor,
instrument factor and dilution factor to be set.
Fig 16.1.1 - Operating Menu – After Calibration
16.2.2 Selecting a Wavelength
The wavelength can be adjusted in the operating menu
or in the settings menu. To adjust the wavelength in the
operating menu use the keys adjacent to the arrow icons
to increase or decrease the wavelength.
Operating Menu
Print/print settings
Results selection menu
Method selection menu
Autolog menu
Increase wavelength
Decrease wavelength
Switch display Abs/%T