Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual
Page 46
SECTION 9 – Kinetics
The kinetics measurement mode enables the absorbance or % transmittance of an active molecule to be
measured over a period of time; for example enzyme analysis of horseradish peroxidase. The absorbance
or % transmittance is measured at regular time intervals at a set wavelength over a period of time.
The results are plotted on a graph to show the change in absorbance or % transmittance over time.
Following sample measurement statistical analysis of all or part of the experiment can be performed.
The kinetics operating menu enables measurement
parameters to be changed. The utility toolbar on the left
hand side of the screen enables access to printing, print
setup options, results, methods and autologging options.
For more details on the different functions of the utility
toolbar refer to section 17.
The settings icon enables the wavelength, units, resolution, graph y-axis, absorbance or % transmittance
operating mode, standard, factor, measurement time, lag time and start on level to be set. Following
the completion of a set of kinetics measurements the statistics for all or part of the kinetics run can be
analysed. The kinetics moving line function enables the initial and final points of the curve to be selected,
so that analysis of the area between these two points can be performed.
Fig 9.1.1 - Expanded Operating Menu – Post Measurement
In this measurement mode all the method set up parameters
are accessed through the settings menu. To open the
settings menu press the key adjacent to the settings icon
in the operating menu.
Operating Menu
Print/print settings
Results selection menu
Methods selection menu
Autolog menu
to zero
Start kinetics
Kinetics moving line