Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual
Page 103
SECTION 20 – Troubleshooting
If an error code is displayed it will be accompanied by a spanner icon and a symbol to indicate if the error
is a warning (caution icon) or fatal (stop icon). If the error is fatal contact your local distributor or Jenway
service department (refer to section 19.4). If the error is a warning it may be possible to retry the test. In
this case a back icon will also be displayed. The table below shows the error codes:
Error Code
Err 1
System Parameters Failure
This error indicates that the essential system parameters
are corrupt.
The most likely causes of this error are:
1. Fram chip failure.
Restart the unit, if the problem persists contact a service
Err 2
Operating Parameters Failure
This error is a warning that the method and other user
parameters have been reset.
The most likely causes of this error are:
1. The methods were reset by pressing the top left button
during the power on tests performed when the instrument is
turned on.
2. The parameters have been corrupted so the instrument
has reset itself.
Press the key adjacent to the tick icon to action.
Err 3
Dark Calibration Error
This error indicates that the dark level is too high during
calibration. In normal operation the lamp is switched off during
an operator initiated calibration sequence to ensure that the
detector output is below a threshold level. The calibration is
aborted and Err 3 is displayed if the detector output is above
the threshold level.
The most likely causes of this error are:
1. The sample chamber lid has been left open during the
calibration sequence.
2. The sample chamber lid was opened during the calibration
3. There is a fault on the detector PCB.
Ensure the sample chamber is closed completely. Press the key
adjacent to the back icon to retry the dark calibration.