Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual

Page 51

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If a start on level has been set the Abs/%T icon is displayed
in the centre of the screen. The instrument will take
photometric readings until the start on level is reached.
Once the absorbance/% transmittance level has been
reached the readings will be plotted on the graph.

Once the measurement has commenced it can be aborted by pressing the key below the kinetics
measurement in progress icon.

Depending on how many data points have been recorded,
the instrument will either return to the pre-measurement
screen or display a partial scan.

Once the measurement time is reached the experiment is complete and the post measurement icons are
displayed. If the automatic scaling was selected the y-axis will automatically be re-scaled.



Following the completion of the kinetics measurements the post measurement icons are displayed on
the screen. These include the statistics for the kinetics experiment and the kinetics moving line. The post
measurement statistics include rate of change, start and end absorbance levels and concentration of the
sample. The kinetics moving line function enables the initial and final points of the experiment to be set
and the statistics for this part of the experiment to be analysed.

To access the statistics for the whole of the kinetics
experiment press the key adjacent to the S icon which
opens the statistics menu over the top of the expanded
operating menu.

The information displayed includes concentration,
absorbance per minute (rate of change), correlation
coefficient (r


), start time absorbance and end time

absorbance. If the operating mode selected was %
transmittance then the statistics displayed will be %
transmittance instead of absorbance.

In this menu the factor can be updated by pressing the key adjacent to the factor icon. The instrument
calculates the factor and saves the value in the settings. Therefore the factor value calculated can be
used in subsequent measurements to calculate the concentration of unknown samples.

To exit the statistics menu press the key adjacent to the tick icon.

The kinetics moving line screen can also be accessed from this menu by pressing the key adjacent to
the kinetics moving line icon. The kinetics moving line function enables the initial and final points of
the kinetics experiment to be set, allowing the statistics for this part of the experiment to be analysed