Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual

Page 26

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The calibration must be performed at the same wavelength
at which the sample will be measured. Insert a cuvette
containing the blank solution into the sample chamber and
close the instrument lid. Press the key below the calibrate
to zero absorbance icon. This sets the instrument to zero
absorbance and 100% transmittance.

Once the calibration is complete the measure sample icon appears and the sample can be measured. If the
wavelength is adjusted before a sample is measured the measure sample icon will disappear and the instrument
must be calibrated again at the new wavelength.



It is not possible to measure a sample before the instrument
has been calibrated at the selected wavelength. Once the
calibration has been performed the measure sample icon
is displayed and a sample can be measured. Remove the
cuvette containing the blank solution and place a cuvette
containing the sample to be measured in the sample
holder. Close the instrument lid and press the key below the
measure sample icon. Once the measurement is complete
the photometric result will be shown on the screen.

Subsequent samples can be measured in the same way. If the wavelength is adjusted between sample
measurements then the instrument must be calibrated again before more samples can be measured.