Jenway Genova Nano German User Manual
Page 86
Once the required printout destination and language has been selected press the key adjacent to the tick
icon to save and return to the operating menu. Print Setup – PHOTOMETRICS, CONCENTRATION, MULTIWAVELENGTH AND OD 600
In the photometrics, concentration, multiwavelength and
OD 600 measurement modes the print setup menu does
not contain any additional post analysis statistics. Print Setup - SPECTRUM AND PURITY
In the spectrum and purity measurement mode print setup
menu it is possible to print off the spectral points analysis
table, peaks and valleys data and absorbance or %T values
recorded at certain data intervals. If the data interval is set
to 5 every 5
data point recorded is reported. If no data is
required the data interval can be set to zero.
To select the spectral points analysis table to be printed
press the key adjacent to the spectral table icon. Repeat
presses of the key will cycle between a tick and a cross icon
for selected or deselected. To select the peaks and valleys
data to be printed press the key adjacent to the peaks
and valleys icon. To select the data interval press the key
adjacent to the data interval icon. Repeat presses will cycle
between 0, 1, 2, 5, 10 or 50. Once the required options
have been selected press the key adjacent to the tick icon
to save and exit print setup. Print Setup – QUANTITATION AND PROTEINS
In the quantitation and proteins measurement mode print
setup menu it is possible to print off the statistics for the
standard curve. To select the curve statistics press the key
adjacent to the curve statistics icon. Repeat presses of the
key will cycle between a tick and a cross icon for selected or
deselected. Once the required options have been selected
press the key adjacent to the tick icon to save and exit print
setup. Print Setup – KINETICS
In the kinetics measurement mode print setup menu it is
possible to print off the statistics for the whole kinetics
experiment and the absorbance or % transmittance values
recorded at certain data intervals. If the data interval is set
to 10 every 10
data point recorded is reported. If no data
is required the data interval can be set to zero. To select
the statistics to be printed press the key adjacent to the S