Watlow Series SD Limit User Manual

Page 49

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D L i m i t

4 7

C h a p t e r 9 F e a t u r e s


Probable Cause(s)

Corrective Action

Getting limit message
[L1;hi], [L2;hi], [L3;hi],
[L1;Lo], [L2;Lo] or [L3;Lo]


The process value is beyond a limit set point.

Determine when limit messages will display
and the proper response to a limit message.

Getting alarm message
[A2hi] or [A3hi],
[A2Lo] or [A3Lo]


The process value is beyond an alarm set

Determine when alarms messages will display
and the proper response to an alarm message.

Limit or alarm is occurring when
it should not.

Limit or alarm settings are incorrect.

Adjust the limit or alarm settings to be correct
for the application.

Input may be in an error condition.

See error messages.

Limit or alarm may be latched.

Press the RESET Key to unlatch a limit or

Limit or alarm output indication
is incorrect.

Limit or alarm settings are incorrect.

Adjust the limit or alarm settings to be correct
for the application.

Alarm may be silenced.

See the Features Chapter for information on
alarm silencing.

Limit or alarm is not occurring
when it should.

Limit or alarm settings are incorrect.

Adjust the limit or alarm settings to be correct
for the application.

Controller’s process value reading
is decreasing but actual process is

Thermocouple polarity is reversed.

Check thermocouple connections. All thermo-
couple connections, including thermocouple ex-
tension wire, must maintain the correct polari-
ty for proper operation.

Analog voltage or analog current input scal-
ing is reversed or incorrect.

Check the settings of the analog output scale
low and scale high parameter (Setup Page).

Parameter(s) do not appear.

Parameter is not active.

See Setup and Operation chapters to deter-
mine when parameters should appear.

Parameter lockout is active.

Set the correct level of lockout for access (Set-
up Page).

Operations Page is not configured properly.

Select the desired parameters for the Program-
ming Page.

Cannot access Operation Page.

Cannot change the limit or alarm-
set point.

Parameter lockout is active.

Set the correct level of lockout* for access (Set-
up Page).

* Note: For FM Approval, the



must be set to 3 or the limit must be mounted re-
motely to restrict casual user adjustment.