Watlow Series SD Limit User Manual
Page 29

Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D L i m i t
C h a p t e r 5 S e t u p
Parameter Name
(Integer values for Modbus
in parentheses.)
(less 40,001
Appears if:
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with Modbus. All temperature parame-
ters are in °F through Modbus.
* Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes; high register numbers contain the two lower bytes of the four-byte integer. Decimal
precision is implied at three decimal places unless otherwise noted.
Output 3 Limit Sides
Selects Output 3 limit
[both] (0) (both high and
low sides active)
[high] (1) (high side active)
[low] (2) (low side active)
[both] (0)
141 R/W
[Ot`3] is set to [LIM].
Output 3 Hysteresis
Set the hysteresis for the output. This de-
termines how far into the safe region the
input needs to move before the output can
be cleared.
0.0 to 999.0
(0000 to 999000)
*136, 137
[Ot`3] is set to [Pr;;;AL]
Output 3 Logic
Select the output condition in the alarm
[AL`C] closed on alarm (0)
[AL`O] open on alarm (1)
[AL`C] (0)
190 R/W
[Ot`3] is set to [Pr;;AL].
Alarm 3 Latching
Turn alarm latching on or off.
[nLAt] off (0)
[`LAt] on (1)
[nLAt] (0)
138 R/W
[Ot`3] is set to [Pr;AL].
[nLAt] off (0)
[`LAt] on (1)
Alarm 2 Latching
Turn alarm latching on or off.
[nLAt] (0)
123 R/W
[Ot`2] is set to [Pr;;AL].
[`OFF] off (0) no silencing
[``On] on (1) silencing
Alarm 2 Silencing
Turn alarm silencing on or off.
[`OFF] (0)
124 R/W
[Ot`2] is set to [Pr;;AL].
[`OFF] off (0) no message
[``On] on (1) message
Alarm 2 Message
Displays an alarm message when an
alarm is active.
[``On] (1)
125 R/W
[Ot`2] is set to [Pr;;AL].
Output 3 Function
Set Output 3 function.
[ Ot 3]
[`OFF] (0)
172 R/W
Output 3 is installed.
Active only if Output 3
is a process output
_ - _ _ _F - _ _ _ _)
[`OFF] off (0) no message
[``On] on (1) message
[`mA] milliamperes (0)
[uolt] volts (1)
[``On] (1)
[`mA] (0)
Alarm 3 Message
Displays an alarm message when an
alarm is active.
Analog Output 3 Units
Set the analog process output units.
140 R/W
[Ot`3] is set to [Pr;;AL].
176 R/W
Output 3 is a process
(SD_ _ - _ _ _ F - _ _ _ _ )
Alarm 3 Silencing
Turn alarm silencing on or off.
[`OFF] off (0) no silencing
[``On] on (1) silencing
[`OFF] (0)
139 R/W
[Ot`3] is set to [Pr;;AL].
[`OFF] Off (0)
[Pr;AL] Process Alarm (1)
[LIM] Limit (2)
[rmt] Retransmit (6)