Watlow Series SD Limit User Manual
Page 37

Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D L i m i t
C h a p t e r 8 F a c t o r y
Parameter Name
(Integer values for Modbus
in parentheses.)
(less 40,001
Appears if:
Output 2 Type
Displays the hardware type for Output 2.
[nonE] none (0)
DC/open collect. (1)
[rLAY] mech. relay (2)
[~SSr] solid-state relay (3)
communications (5)
194 R
Always active.
Output 3 Type
Displays the hardware type for Output 3.
[nonE] none (0)
[~~DC] DC/open collect. (1)
[rLAY] mech. relay (2)
[~SSr] solid-state relay (3)
[Proc] process (4)
195 R
Always active.
[ S.id]
Software ID
Displays the software ID number.
0 to 9999
10 R
Always active.
Software Version
Displays the firmware revision.
00.00 to 99.99
11 R
Always active.
Software Build Number
Displays the software build number.
0 to 9999 Build Number
13 R
Always active.
Power Type
Displays the type of input power.
[~~AC] (0) high voltage
[LOW] (1) low voltage
Always active.
[ Sn-]
Serial Number 1
Displays the first four characters of the
serial number.
0 to 9999
7 , 8 R
Always active.
[ Sn_-]
Serial Number 2
Displays the last four characters of the
serial number.
0 to 9999
7, 8 R
Always active.
Thermocouple, 50mV
Calibrate the thermocouple input to
50mV (see “Calibrating the Series SD”).
Always active.
Thermocouple, 0mV
Calibrate the thermocouple input to 0mV
(see “Calibrating the Series SD”).
Always active.
Thermocouple, 32°F
Calibrate the thermocouple input to 0°C
(32°F) (see “Calibrating the Series SD”).
Always active.
[ r.15]
RTD, 15 ohm
Calibrate the RTD input to 15 ohm (see
“Calibrating the Series SD”).
Always active.
RTD, 380 ohm
Calibrate the RTD input to 380 ohms.
(see “Calibrating the Series SD”).
Always active.
[ V.1]
Input Calibrate, 1.0 Volt
Calibrate the process voltage input to 1.0
Volt (see “Calibrating the Series SD”).
Always active.
* The Series SD controller can be calibrated only with the front panel controls. These parameters
are not visible through serial communications.