Watlow Series SD Limit User Manual

Page 27

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D L i m i t


C h a p t e r 5 S e t u p


Parameter Name




(Integer values for Modbus

in parentheses.)



(less 40,001



Appears if:

Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with Modbus. All temperature parame-
ters are in °F through Modbus.

* Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes; high register numbers contain the two lower bytes of the four-byte integer. Decimal
precision is implied at three decimal places unless otherwise noted.


Process Scale Low

Set the low scale for process inputs.

1.00 to 20.00 mA: if


is set to


(1000 to 20000)

0.50 to 10.00V: if

[`Sen] is

set to


(500 to 10000)
10.00 to 50.00 mV: if


is set to


(10000 to 50000)

4.00 mA


10.00 mV

*73, 74
R/W (mA)

*77, 78
R/W (V)

*331, 332
R/W (mV)

[`Sen] is set to [`mA],

[`Sen] is set to [uolt].

[`Sen] is set to [`mu].


Process Scale High

Set the high scale for process inputs.

1.00 to 20.00 mA: if


is set to


(1000 to 20000)

0.50 to 10.00V: if

[`Sen] is

set to


(500 to 10000)
10.00 to 50.00 mV: if


is set to


(10000 to 50000)

10.00 to 20.00 mA
(1000 to 2000)

5.00 to 10.00 V
(500 to 1000)

25.00 to 50.00 mV
(2500 to 5000)

(two decimal places implied
for Modbus)

20.00 mA


50.00 mV

*75, 76
R/W (mA)

*79, 80
R/W (V)

*333, 334
R/W (mV)

[`Sen] is set to [`mA],

[`Sen] is set to [uolt].

[`Sen] is set to [`mu]


Units Scale Low

Set the low range for process input units.

-1999 to 9999
(-1999000 to 9999000)

(Set precision with


Process Decimal Places.)


*81, 82

[`Sen] is set to [`mA]



Units Scale High

Set the high range for process input units.

1.00 to 10.00 mA
(100 to 1000)

0.50 to 5.00 V
(050 to 500)

5.00 to 25.00 mV
(500 to 2500)

(two decimal places implied
for Modbus)

-1999 to 9999
(-1999000 to 9999000)

(Set precision with


Process Decimal Places.)


*83, 84

[`Sen] is set to [`mA]



Set Point Low Limit

Set the low range for the set point.

Min. operating range (of
sensor) to

[SP;Hi] -0.100: if

{`sen} is set to {``tc}

-328 to

[SP;hi] -0.100: if

{`sen] is set to {`rtd}

-1999 to

[SP;hi] -0.001: if

{``sen} is set to [`MA],
[uolt], or [`Mu].
(Set precision with


Process Decimal Places.)

Min. operat-
ing range (J






[uolt], and

*231, 232
R/W (ther-

*235, 236

*239, 240
R/W (mA, V,
or mV)

Always active.

20.00 mA

10.00 V

50.00 mV


Process Input Low Error

Set the low process value that will cause
an error to occur for the process input.

1.00 mA

0.50 V

5.00 mV

325 R/W

327 R/W

329 R/W

[`Sen] is set to [`mA].

[`Sen] is set to [uolt].

[`Sen] is set to [`mu].


Process Input High Error

Set the high process value that will cause
an error to occur for the process input.

326 R/W
328 R/W
330 R/W

[`Sen] is set to [`mA].

[`Sen] is set to [uolt].

[`Sen] is set to [`mu].