Saving and restoring user settings, Inputs, Saving and restoring user setings – Watlow Series SD Limit User Manual

Page 42: Infosense™ sensing, Operations page, Infosense™ temperature sensing

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Saving and Restoring User Settings

Recording setup and operations parameter settings

for future reference is very important. If you uninten-
tionally change these, you will need to program the cor-
rect settings back into the controller to return the
equipment to operational condition.

After you program the controller and verify proper

operation, use

[USr;S] to save the settings into a special

section of memory. If the settings in the controller are
altered and you want to return the controller to the
saved values, use

[USr;R] to recall the saved settings.

This version has two sets of user settings.

To save the Setup and Operations parameters:


Ensure all the settings that you want to store are
already programmed into the Setup Page, Program-
ming Page, and Operations parameters.


From the Home Page, press the Up ¿ and Down ¯
keys together for six seconds until

[Fact] appears

in the upper display and

[PagE] appears in the

lower display.


Press the Advance Key ‰ to step through the
prompts until the

[USr;S] prompt appears.


Use the Up Key ¿ to select [Set1} or [Set2} in
the upper display.


Press the RESET Key to exit the Factory Page.

Note: Only perform the above procedure when you are sure that all
the correct settings are programmed into the controller. Saving the
settings overwrites any previously saved collection of settings. Be
sure to document all the controller settings.

To restore a collection of saved settings:


Press the Up ¿ and Down ¯ keys together for six
seconds until

[Fact] appears in the upper display


[PagE] appears in the lower display.


Press the Advance Key ‰ to step through the menu
until the

[USr;R] prompt appears.


Use the Up Key ¿ to select or [Set1} or [Set2} in
the upper display.


Press the RESET Key to exit the Factory Page.

Operations Page

Watlow’s patented user-defined menu system improves opera-

tional efficiency. The user-defined Operations Page provides you
with a shortcut to monitor or change the parameter values that
you use most often. You can go directly to the Operations Page
from the Home Page by pressing the Advance Key ‰.

You can create your own Operations Page with as many as 16

of the active parameters from the list in the Keys and Displays
chapter. When a parameter normally located in the Setup Page is
placed in the Operations Page, it is accessible through both. If
you change a parameter in the Operations Page, it is automatical-
ly changed in its original page. If you change a parameter in its
original page it is automatically changed in the Operations Page.

The default parameters will automatically appear in

the Operations Page.

To change the list of parameters in the Operations

Page, hold down the RESET key, then press the Ad-
vance Key ‰, and hold both down for about six seconds.
This will take you to the Programming Page.

Press the Advance Key ‰ once to go to the first se-

lection in the page. The parameter choices will appear
in the top display and the selection number will appear
in the bottom display. Use the Up ¿ or the Down ¯ key
to change the selected parameter in the top display. If
you do not want a parameter to appear for that loca-
tion, select

[nonE]. To change the other 15 selections,

press the Advance Key ‰ to select a place in the page,
[``P1] to [`p16], in the bottom display and use the
Up ¿ or the Down ¯ key to change the parameter se-
lected in the top display.

Changes made to the Operations Page will persist

until changed by the operator or defaulted by full de-
faults or user defaults. User-defined parameters are not
over-written by default parameters if those features be-
come enabled. Only parameters supported by a con-
troller’s particular hardware configuration and pro-
gramming settings will appear.


INFOSENSE™ Temperature Sensing

Watlow’s INFOSENSE™ feature can improve tem-

perature sensing accuracy by 50%. Watlow’s INFOS-
ENSE™ thermocouples and RTD temperature sensors
must be used together to achieve these results.

Each INFOSENSE™ “smart” sensor contains four

numeric values that are programmed into the SD mem-
ory. These values characterize Watlow sensors, for the
controller to provide greater accuracy.

Turn the INFOSENSE™ feature on or off with IN-


[IS;En] (Setup Page). Set the four

numerical values supplied with Watlow’s INFOS-
ENSE™ in the

[IS;P1], [IS;P2], [IS;P3] and [IS;P4]


Contact your Watlow salesperson or Watlow author-

ized distributor for the pricing and availability of Wat-
low INFOSENSE™ products.

The four numerical values are found on the tag at-

tached to the sensor.


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