Index, H, i – Watlow Series 988LF User Manual
Page 58

WATLOW Series 988LF Users Manual
%OUT LED 3.1
0-5VÎ (dc) process wiring
input 1 2.7
remote set point option 2.8
output 1 2.9
0-10VÎ (dc) process wiring
input 1 2.7
remote set point option 2.8
output 1 2.9
0-20mA process wiring
input 1 2.7
remote set point option 2.8
output 1 2.9
0-50mV (high impedance) wiring
input 1 2.7
remote set point option 2.8
1-5VÎ (dc) process wiring
input 1 2.7
remote set point option 2.8
output 1 2.9
4-20mA process wiring
input 1 2.7
remote set point option 2.8
output 1 2.9
access to panel back 2.2
AC output wiring
alarm display, masked 7.5
alarm high 5.6
alarm low 5.6
alarms 7.4 - 7.5
alarms, latching 7.4
alarms, non-latching 7.4
alarm silencing 7.4
ambient temperature 6.2
annunciator A.2
Auto/Manual key 3.1, 7.3
Auto/Manual LED 3.1, 7.3
auto/manual operation 7.3
automatic operation 7.3
auto-tune 5.7
auto-tuning 7.1
brackets 2.1 - 2.2
bumpless transfer 7.3
Calibration Menu 6.5
calibration offset A.2
cautions iii
clearing error codes 7.6
closed loop A.2
cold junction A.2
consumer feedback iii
controller chassis, removing 1.1
current transformer A.2
cycle time
date 6.2
dead band 5.5
decimal 4.6
decimal point, location of 4.2
default A.2
derivative A.2
deviation alarm 7.4
DEV LED (set point deviation) 3.1
Diagnostics Menu 6.1 - 6.4
dimensions 2.1
DIP switch functions 1.1 - 1.3
DIP switch locations 1.1 - 1.3
DIP switch setting
display 6.3
Display Key 3.1
Display Loop 3.2
displays 3.1
documentation, maintaining ii, 6.3
Down-arrow Key 3.1
droop A.2
dual in-line package (DIP) switches 1.1 - 1.3
duty cycle A.2
error code messages 7.5 - 7.6
error code results 7.6
error codes, clearing 7.6
external signal conditioner
Factory Menus 6.1 - 6.5
factory ship date 6.2
feedback iii
form A A.2
form B A.2
form C A.2
front panel 3.1
front panel lockout 4.2
Glossary A.2 - A.3
ground loops 2.3
H, I
0-5VÎ (dc) process 2.7
0-10VÎ (dc) process 2.7
0-20mA process 2.4, 2.7
0-50mV (high impedance) 2.7
1-5VÎ (dc) process 2.7
4-20mA process 2.4. 2.7
RTD (2- or 3-wire) 2.7
thermocouple 2.7
0-5V 1.2
0-10V 1.2
0-20mA 1.2
0-50mV 1.2
0-50mV (high impedance) 1.2
1-5 1.2
4-20mA 1.2
RTD 1.2
thermocouple 1.2
input module 6.3
input ranges (tables)
input 1 4.4 - 4.5
remote set point option 4.7 - 4.8
input-to-output isolation 2.3
installation 2.1 - 2.2
integral A.2
isolation 2.3, A.2
L1 (output 1) 3.1
L2 (output 2) 3.1
latching alarm 7.3
linearization A.2
local-remote 5.7
locating DIP switches 1.1 - 1.3
Lockout 4.2
lockout DIP switch 1.3
lockout level, setting 4.2
lower display 3.1
maintaining documentation ii, 6.3
manual operation 7.2
manual tuning 7.2
mechanical relay 7.1
menu lockout 4.2
Mode Key 3.1
model number ii, iii, A.7
module types 6.3
mounting 2.1 - 2.2
National Electric Code (NEC) 2.3, 2.5, 2.6
NEMA 4X seal 2.2, A.2
non-latching alarm 7.4
notes iii
on/off control A.2
Operation Menu 5.1 - 5.7
open loop 6.4, A.2
ordering information A.7
output A.2
output 1 4.9
output 1 wiring 2.9
0-5VÎ (dc) process 2.9
0-10VÎ (dc) process 2.9
0-20mA process 2.9
1-5VÎ (dc) process 2.9
4-20mA process 2.9
AC outputs 2.9
switched dc, open collector 2.9
output 2 4.9
output 2 wiring 2.10
AC outputs 2.10
switched dc, open collector 2.10
output configurations
output 1 (control) 3.1
output 2 (control or alarm) 3.1
output module types 6.3
overriding alarms 7.4
overshoot A.3
P control A.3
panel back access 2.2
panel cutouts 2.1 - 2.2
Panel Lockout Menu 4.2
PD control A.3
PDR control A.3
PI control A.3
PID control A.3
power wiring 2.3
process variable A.3
process alarm 7.4
proportional band A.3
proportioning control A.3