Software key problems communications problems – Watlow ANASOFT User Manual

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Start Up

ANASOFT User’s Guide 19

Software key problems

Communications problems




Software Key not
found on printer
Cannot operate
program without

1. Attempting to run the operat-
ing program without a software
key installed on the computer.
2. Installing the software key on
a computer connector other than
a valid printer port.
3. Installing an incorrect key
version. There’s a single con-
troller version and a multiple
controller version for accessing
more than one controller.
4. Attempting to run the pro-
gram while the printer is not On
Line. (Rare).

Make sure you have installed the
software key properly on the
printer port.
Verify that you have the multiple
controller version if you want to
access more than one controller.




failed Commu-
nications to
Abort start up

ANASOFT cannot
communicate with
one of the controllers
during the initial sys-
tem communications
check or during the
job downloading/

Verify that the communications port set in
ANAINSTL is the one actually connected to
the controllers.
Verify that the communications parameters
(baud rate and error checking mode) set in the
installation program are those set in the con-
trollers. The 8LS, 12LS, MLS, and CLS com-
munications parameters are set using the front
panel keys while in the GLOBAL menu and the
SYSTEM 32, parameters are set by DIP
Verify that the address of each controller is
unique (for multiple controller systems).
Verify that you have the multi-controller key if
more than one controller is hooked up.
Verify that the correct version of ANASOFT is
running for the controllers being used.
Verify that the wiring is done correctly to the
controllers and the computer.