Introduction – Watlow ANASOFT User Manual

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ANASOFT User’s Guide 1


ANASOFT is a user friendly, menu driven software package. It
provides a powerful computer supervised measurement and control
system with data acquisition.

ANASOFT is the general name for two products: ANASOFT3 and
ANASOFT4. This User’s Guide is for the two products. It uses the
general name ANASOFT when referring to both.

Each product communicates with different controllers, as shown below:

The choice of controller type is selected when the installation program
is run. At present, controllers cannot be mixed on the same system.


Watlow-Anafaze controllers are purchased with vari-
ous options for mounting, input/output configurability
and application options. Make sure your controller’s
version and options match your ANASOFT version.

The system may have only one Watlow-Anafaze controller or a plant
wide system with numerous controllers. ANASOFT includes numeric
and graphic displays, data and alarm printing, data and alarm logging in
text or LOTUS compatible files, and graphic trending. It runs on an
IBM AT 286, 386, or 486, and true compatible computers. A question
and answer format enables users to quickly define and setup any
measurement or control application.


ANASOFT is sold with a license agreement and can
be operated only on one computer. The license agree-
ment requires registration with Watlow-Anafaze.
Watlow-Anafaze will send updates at no charge only
to registered users.


Watlow-Anafaze 8LS

Watlow-Anafaze 12LS

Watlow-Anafaze SYSTEM 32


Watlow-Anafaze MLS

Watlow-Anafaze CLS

Watlow-Anafaze IRC2