Teledyne LeCroy LogicStudio User Manual
Page 37

Getting Started Manual
922294 Rev A
Support for Tektronix oscilloscopes requires a VISA implementation
installed on the PC you’re using. Tektronix TEKVISA software is their VISA
implementation and can be obtained from the software included with your
oscilloscope or from the Tektronix website
: Tektronix offers guidelines for using a 64-bit operating system with
Tektronix instruments. Please contact Tektronix or visit their FAQ at:
The following oscilloscopes are supported:
DPO2000 and MSO2000 Series
DPO3000 and MSO3000 Series
DPO4000 and MSO4000 Series
TDS 1000B Series
TDS 2000B and TDS2000C Series
TDS 3000C Series
When using TDS oscilloscopes, ensure the Rear USB Port
setting on the instrument is set to Computer. This setting is
made pressing the Utility button on the oscilloscope and
selecting Options.
At time per division settings of 100ns/div and faster, the
TDS1000 and TDS2000 series oscilloscopes interpolate points
between samples. This makes the available timeline shorter
with no increased resolution and is not recommended for use
with LogicStudio as it may cause your trigger event to be
outside the acquired oscilloscope timeline.
: During MSO operations, the oscilloscope’s front panel will be locked.
Attempting to adjust settings through the front panel while acquiring signal
may put the oscilloscope out of sync with LogicStudio. It is recommended
that you do not adjust scope settings unless LogicStudio’s Run Mode is set
to Stop.