IAI America ACON-CG User Manual
Page 151

8. Parameters
z Output mode of position complete signal (No. 39 FPIO)
This parameter is effective when any PIO pattern other than “5” [Solenoid valve mode 2 (3-point type)] is
It defines the status of completed position number signals [PM1 to PM256], movement complete signals at
respective positions [PE0 to PE6] and position complete signal [PEND] to be applied if the servo turns off or
“position deviation” occurs while the actuator is standing still after completing positioning.
The following two conditions can be considered:
[1] The position has deviated, due to external force and while the servo was on, beyond the value set in the
“Positioning band” field of the position table.
[2] The position has deviated, due to external force and while the servo was off, beyond the value set in the
“Positioning band” field of the position table.
This parameter is provided to permit flexible specification of how the “position complete status” is monitored in
accordance with the characteristics of the system or sequence circuit on the PLC side.
The ON/OFF status of each position complete signal is controlled as follows in accordance with the setting of
parameter No. 39.
Setting of
parameter No. 39
Definition of completed position number signals [PM1 to PM256], movement
complete signals at respective positions [PE0 to PE6] and position complete signal
0 [PEND]
[1] The servo is on
The signal remains ON even after the current position has exited the range set by
the “Positioning band” field of the position table, with respect to the target position.
[2] The servo is off
The signal is OFF unconditionally regardless of the current position.
1 [INP]
Regardless of the servo on/off status, the signal turns ON if the current position is
within the range set by the “Positioning band” field of the position table, with respect
to the target position, and turns OFF if the current position is outside this range.
* In this mode, the applicable signals are used as limit switches.
The factory setting is “0 [PEND].”
z SIO communication speed (No.16 BRSL)
Set the communication speed to be used when the control is performed via serial communication using the
PLC’s communication module.
Set an appropriate value in parameter No. 16 in accordance with the specification of the communication module.
One of 9600, 19200, 38400 and 115200 bps can be selected as the communication speed.
The factory setting is “38400 [bps].”
z Minimum delay time for slave transmitter activation (No.17 RTIM)
This parameter defines the minimum delay until the controller’s transmitter will be activated after completion of
command reception, when serial communication is performed using the PLC’s communication module.
The factory setting is “5 [msec],” but other necessary delay time must be set in parameter No. 17 if the
specification of the communication module exceeds 5 msec.