Electronics International MVP-50P User Manual

Page 36

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The “Setup and Control Screens Menu” section lists those screens you will most often use to change data during
flight. To view the available Setup and Control Screens press the Menu button when displaying the Main Engine
Screen. Then scroll to the lower section of the blue screen. The following describes the operation for each Setup
and Control Screen.

5.1 “EGT/CHT Bar Graph Setup” Screen:

The “EGT/CHT Bar Graph Setup” screen allows you to set up the
bar graph display using the following data fields:

“High EGT Range” and “Low EGT Range”: The High
and Low EGT Range settings determine the operating range
of the bar graph display. The goal is to set the range so the
bars are low in the display during full rich low power
operation and high in the display during lean cruise operation.
It will then be possible at a glance to see how rich or lean
your engine is running.

Set the “High EGT Range” field for 30°F above peak
EGT for the hottest cylinder.

Set the “Low EGT Range” field for 50°F below the coldest EGT when operating full rich.

On a certified (STC’d) MVP, when a cylinder’s EGT reaches the High EGT Range, the bar for that
cylinder will blink in white alerting the pilot of a possible over temp condition.

“EGT Difference Limit”: The EGT difference is the current spread between the hottest and coldest EGTs.
The “EGT Difference Limit” provides a tool to help detect engine problems early.

Set the “EGT Difference Limit” for the maximum EGT spread observed between cylinders plus 30°F.
Before setting this limit, insure that your engine is operating properly.

“CHT Difference Limit”: The CHT difference is the current spread between the hottest and coldest CHT.
The “CHT Difference Limit” provides a tool to help detect engine problems early.

Set the “CHT Difference Limit” for the maximum CHT spread observed between cylinders plus 20°F.
Before setting this limit, insure that your engine is operating properly.

False warnings are annoying and can create complacency towards alarms in general. This could cause a
serious delay in your noticing a warning of a problem that is real and immediate. EGT and CHT spreads will
vary with engine power, mixture settings and different altitudes. To protect against false alarms while
maintaining good EGT and CHT Differential Limits, fly with the MVP and make note of where EGT and CHT
spreads are during all stages and settings of flight.