Luminex xPONENT for MAGPIX User Manual

Page 89

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Analysis Settings - Use this section to set the analysis type, set the number of standards
and controls, select an external analysis program, and choose whether to analyze results
while acquiring samples.

Analysis Type - Use this list to choose from the following analysis types:

None - No analysis. Select if you have your own data post-processing program and

want to obtain only fluorescent intensity results. You cannot apply standards or controls
when you select None. You cannot analyze acquisitions with this setting.

Qualitative - Qualitative analysis determines results as either positive or negative,

reactive or non-reactive. The software is flexible in defining custom result ranges, such
as negative, low positive, or high positive. Determinations are based on a single
standard. For qualitative analysis the Luminex software uses a specific algorithm, shown


FI = Fluorescent Intensity

Ki = a “Quali” value entered in lot information to determine the value or the qualitative
assay standard.

The “Quali” value determines a cutoff or threshold. This, in conjunction with ranges using
the Lum Qual formula or an edited range specific for your assay, helps to determine
qualitative results for unknown samples.

Two predefined formulas using the algorithm are included in the system. You can use
them as-is or edit their range values to meet your requirements.

Quantitative - Determines the sample concentrations from standard curves using

regression methods Cubic Spline, Linear, Logistic 4P, and Logistic 5P. Type the
desired values for standards and controls in the Number of Standards and Number of
boxes. Select either Fit of All Standards or Mean of Replicates for the
calculation of the curve fit.

NOTE: Luminex recommends Fit of All Standards as the most accurate

calculation of the curve fit.

Based on a range of quantitative, numerical results, a threshold range can be applied to
a quantitative analysis, for example, high, low, saturated, and expected.

Allele Call - Sets analysis for an allele call. Analytes must be put in groups of 2, 3, or 4


Min MFI Enabled - Select this box to enable a minimum MFI for the Allele Call analysis.

Type a value in this box to set the minimum MFI for analysis.

Analyze results while acquiring samples - The software allows real-time viewing of the

results as the instrument analyzes samples. This feature is not available if you select None
as your analysis type.

Number of Standards - Click to type the number of standards for the protocol. Applies

only to qualitative and quantitative analyses.

UseExternal Analysis Program - Select this check box to use a third-party program to

analyze the data. The Analysis Program list becomes active when this is selected.
Applies only to qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Number of Controls - Click to type the number of controls for the protocol. Applies only to

qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Analysis Program - Use this list to select which program to use for data analysis.