Setting csv options, Archive options tab – Luminex xPONENT for MAGPIX User Manual
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Setting CSV Options
1. In the CSV and Batch Export Options section, select the options you want to apply to
the CSV file. If you select Maximum number of data columns in CSV file, type a
maximum number of columns.
2. In the CSV File Export Folder and Automatically Exported Batch Folder box, type the
location to which you want the file sent, or click Browse to navigate to the folder.
3. In the Test Sort Order box, select the method that you want to use to sort the tests in the
Archive Options Tab
To view this tab, click the Archive Options tab on the Admin page. Use this tab to set
options for backing up, exporting, and restoring files.
Archive Options Tab
Archive. Use this section to choose file types to archive destinations for the archive file. This
section contains the following