Protocols tab – Luminex xPONENT for MAGPIX User Manual
Page 69

Apply All - Applies the information in the Units and Counts fields to all analytes.
You can also specify the minimum allowable bead count per well that xPONENT analyzes.
This excludes data from any beads carried over during acquisition.
Selected Analytes List - Selected analytes appear in a list on the right side of the analyte
grid. This list includes the following information
• Name - The name of the analyte. Click and type to rename the analyte.
• Analysis - To change the type of analysis for an analyte, click this field to open the
Analysis Settings dialog box and select another analysis from the list.
In the Analysis Settings dialog box:
• Select a method from the Method list.
• If necessary, select a weight type from the Weight Type list.
• Apply the analysis to all analytes in the list by clicking Apply to All Analytes.
• Select Mark as Intra-Well Normalization Bead to make the analyte an intra-well
normalization bead.
• Add a range to the analysis by clicking Add Range.
• Select Use Threshold Ranges to enable ranges for the analysis.
• Click Add Range to add a range.
• Type a Range Name, a Low Value, a High Value, and select Inclusive if you wish to
include the low and high values in the range. Click OK to exit the dialog box.
• Units - The unit of measurement you specified in the Unit box. Click this box to type a
value for the analyte.
• Count - Type the desired bead count for the analytes by clicking in the Count box. If each
selected bead set does not acquire this number of events, a warning is added to the log
that not enough bead events were acquired.
• Region - Refers to the specific analyte selected. This is a number between 12 and 78.
Group - If you have selected Allele Call from the Analysis Type in the Settings tab, this
button displays. Click Group to group 2, 3, or 4 analytes for the group. Multiple groups can
be defined.
Cancel - Click Cancel to return to the Batches tab.
Back - Click Back to return to the Settings tab.
Next - Click to go to the next tab. If the Analysis Type selected in the Settings tab was
None or Allele, this takes you to the Plate Layout tab. If the Analysis Type selected was
Quantitative or Qualitative, this button takes you to the Stds & Ctrls tab.
Protocols Tab
Use this tab to name a batch, type a description, select a protocol, and view active reagents.