Create a new batch from a new protocol – Luminex xPONENT for MAGPIX User Manual
Page 57

NOTE: Luminex recommends that you analyze the manufacturer’s assay kit
controls with each batch.
To create a new batch from an existing protocol:
1. Read the instructions provided with the assay kit you are using.
2. Open the Batches page.
3. Click Create a New Batch from an existing Protocol.
4. Type the batch name in the Batch Name box.
5. If you want a description for the batch, type it in the Enter Optional Description box.
• Click the existing protocol that you want to use. If the protocol uses standards and/or
controls, you can view the active reagents. If the selected protocol uses standards/
controls, the next tab that appears is the Stds & Ctrls tab. You can view details about
the active reagents, apply different standards/controls, or manually add new
information on this tab.
• If the selected protocol does not use standards/controls, the next tab that appears is
the Plate Layout tab. You can assign well commands for this batch on this tab.
Confirm that the plate layout conforms to your specific assay instructions.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Run Batch to begin batch acquisition, or click Save to save the batch information
as a pending batch. Pending batches can be run at any time.
NOTE: If the batch spans more than one plate, the tray ejects automatically
when all defined wells have been acquired. A dialog box displays
prompting you to insert the next plate.
Create a New Batch from a new Protocol
Click this option to create a new batch from a new protocol. This option enables you to create
a protocol while your are creating the batch.
To create a new batch from a new protocol:
1. Open the Batches page.
2. Click Create a New Batch from a new protocol to open the Settings tab.
3. Type a name in the Name box.
4. Type a description in the Description box.
5. Define the settings in the Acquisition Settings section.
If you select Qualitative, Qualitative, or Allele Call from the Analysis Type list, you can
select Analyze results while acquiring samples to view real-time analysis. If you select
None as your analysis setting, you cannot analyze results using xPONENT.
6. Click Next. The Analytes tab opens. Click the analytes of interest in the numbered grid.
Information about the analytes appears in a list on the right side of the grid. Name the
7. To change the Default Analysis, click Change. The Analysis Settings dialog box
8. Select the analysis method from the Method list. Click OK to change the default analysis
for analytes to be selected. Click Apply to All Analytes to apply the selection to all
analytes. The Analysis dialog box closes.