Operation, Database management, Printers & database management – Liquid Controls FlightConnect 600 User Manual

Page 34

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operatIon -

prInterS & databaSe management


FlightConnect Fueling Systems typically include an Epson Roll Printer; however, Epson Slip Printers can be used

as well. Slip printers can prevent fuelers from starting a fueling if a ticket is not engaged in the printer. Keys to the

indicator lights and button functions are shown below.

SlIp prInter buttonS and IndIcator lIghtS

powER light - light indicates power is on
RELEaSE light- light indicates ticket can be removed
papER out light- light indicates no paper in printer
foRwaRD button - moves paper forward
REVERSE button- moves paper backward
RELEaSE button- release ticket for removal

roll prInter buttonS and IndIcator lIghtS

ERRoR light- light indicates printer unable to print (see printer


powER light - light indicates power is on
papER out light- light indicates no paper in printer
fEED button - moves paper forward

database management

The Database Management screen provides commands for sending and receiving data from the office.

Send Transactions to Office command sends fueling data from the LCR 600 to the office. After the LCR 600

records the fueling data, an indicator arrow will appear on the Fueler Menu bar until the transaction data is sent to

the office.

To send updates to the office:

1. From the Fueler Menu, move the highlighted bar to

Database Management and press the EntEr button.

2. Move the pointer  to

Send Transactions to

Office, press the EntEr button, move the highlighted

bar to

Yes, and press the EntEr button.

Scheduled Fueling

Manual Fueling

Fueler Logoff

Database Management

Configuration Menu

G a l l o n s

F u e l e r M e n u

Indicator Arrow

Transaction records

available for office

DBManager & ACRead must be

running on the office computer to send

and retrieve data from the LCR 600.

DBManager & aCRead

In the System Definitions tab of FlightConnect Edit, data transmissions between the LCR 600 and the office

can be set to transmit automatically at LCR 600 power on, fueler logon, fueler logoff, and after fuelings.

automatic Data transmission

This message is displayed when the LCR 600 is attempting to

send data to the office. It is not a confirmation that the data has

been sent. If the indicator arrow still appears in the Fueler Menu,

there are transactions that haven’t been sent to the office.

Processing transaction records...

The LCR 600 will not begin a fueling without a ticket

engaged in the slip printer.

To engage a ticket in an Epson Slip Printer:

1. Press RELEASE on the printer. Insert a blank fueling


2. Press FORWARD on the printer to engage the ticket.