Setup, Single point calibration proving, Packing the hose – Liquid Controls FlightConnect 600 User Manual

Page 25: Calibration setup

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1 A1 JET A

Net Quantity:



69.7 Gallons



Single point calibration proving

To single point calibrate a product, the LCR 600 must make a fueling into a volumetric prover. The measurement

indicated by the volumetric prover is then entered into the LCR 600. This sets the k-factor (pulses/unit). The new

k-factor establishes the number of pulses the LCR 600’s internal pulser registers for each unit of measurement that

passes through the flowmeter (for example, 205.8 pulses for every gallon). When proving for use in Weights and

Measures applications, a qualified Weights and Measures technician must prove the flowmeter.

Run the calibration fueling at the same flow rate of a

typical fueling.

Keep flow Rates Even

calIbratIon Setup

- Setup

packing the hose

If you are proving the flowmeter with a hose and a nozzle, you will want to make sure the hose is packed before

beginning the proving fueling. This will ensure the same shut off point at the beginning and end of the fueling.

To pack the hose:

1. In the Calibration Setup 1 screen, move the pointer  to the

BEGIN CALIBRATION DELIVERY field and press the EntEr

button—do not open the hose nozzle.

2. When the hose is packed and stabilized, move the pointer  on the

END CALIBRATION DELIVERY field (in the Calibration

Fueling Screen) and press the EntEr button.

3. The Calibration Setup 1 screen will reappear, and a new calibration delivery will start at “0”.

Calibration #: 1

Calibration Code:

Calibration Name:
Calibration Type:
Linearization Mode:



Jet A1



C A L I B R A T I O N S E T U P 1

1 0 0 . 0 4 4

P r o v e r Q u a n t i t y

Prover Quantity list box

with volumetric prover measurement

Calibration Fueling Screen

To prove a flowmeter system with single point


1. With the selector switch in the calibration position,

navigate to the Calibration Setup 1 screen.

2. Move the pointer  to

Calibration #: and select a

number. This should be Calibration #1 for FlightConnect.

3. Move the pointer  to

Linearization Mode: and



4. Move the pointer  to

Pulses/Unit: and enter a

k-Factor that approximates the size of the flowmeter

being calibrated. See table on page 26.

5. Move the pointer  to the




Press the EntEr button to begin the calibration fueling

into a volumetric prover. A fueling screen will appear that

shows the gross volume and flow rate.

7. When the calibration run is complete, move the pointer 


END CALIBRATION DELIVERY, at the bottom of the

calibration fueling screen, and press EntEr to end the


8. Move the pointer  to

Prover Quantity: and enter

the quantity indicated by the volumetric prover. The LCR

600 will automatically adjust the value in the


Unit field to the correct value.

9. Repeat step 5 through 8. Check the prover volume and

the LCR 600 volume. If they are not within tolerance

limits, reprove the flowmeter until the meter system is

within the tolerance.

Proving can only be done in gross volume.