Operation, Aircraft type, Destination – Liquid Controls FlightConnect 600 User Manual
Page 33: Requested volume, Miscellaneous prompts 1-3, Fuel type, Additive, Comment, Data field screens

data fIeld ScreenS (cont’d)
Aircraft Type
A list of aircraft. List items are configured in the Aircraft Type tab of the
FlightConnect Edit software. Aircraft types can be specific aircraft or general
descriptions of aircraft to be fueled. This option displays both the name of the
aircraft as well as the related code for that aircraft.
A text box where fuelers enter the destination (outbound) code of the aircraft to
be fueled. This field has a maximum of 4 characters available.
Requested Volume
A text box where fuelers enter a preset fuel volume requested for the aircraft. If
presetting is enabled on the LCR600, an entry in the requested volume field will
trigger the valve closed or shut off the deadman once the requested volume is
reached. This field has a maximum of 11 characters available.
Miscellaneous Prompts 1-3
Three screens with a text box where fuelers can enter text into the custom data
fields. Titles for each prompt can be customized in FlightConnect Edit. This field
has a maximum of 14 characters available.
Fuel Type
A list of fuels. List items are configured in the Fuel Type tab of the FlightConnect
Edit software. If only one fuel type is available, FlightConnect LCR 600 will
default to the only available fuel type
A yes or no list box where fuelers confirm or deny the use of an additive. When
enabled both auxiliary outputs will be on during fueling.
Yes • No
A text box where fuelers can enter notes that will be printed
Please note that most aircraft refuelers are not equipped with preset style valves. Without
a preset valve, the register will not stop at the exact requested volume. Presetting on
an aircraft refueler without preset style valves can shock the system and damage your
equipment. Please consult your truck equipment manufacturer to ensure safe operation.
Requested Volume not Recommended without preset Valves
data fIeld ScreenS
- operatIon
G a l l o n s
A i r c r a f t T y p e
G a l l o n s
D e s t i n a t i o n
G a l l o n s
R e q u e s t e d V o l u m e
G a l l o n s
P r o m p t 1
Display only
The current differential pressure. Field only shown if the
LCR 600 is connected to a
∆P transducer.
flIghtconnect In-fuelIng Screen
This screen is displayed during fuelings. Data fields can be edited during a fueling.
G a l l o n s
P e r M i n u t e
To edit data fields during a fueling:
1. Turn the selector switch STOP to pause the fueling and
open the New Fueling screen.
2. Use the and buttons to move the highlighted bar to
the desired data field.
3. Press the EntEr button to open the data field, enter the
new value, and press the EntEr button to accept
4. Turn the LCR 600 selector switch to RUN to continue the