Number of decimals, Number of digits, Number of dynamic rinses – Hach-Lange TITRALAB 840_845 Reference Manual User Manual
Page 125: Number of ep, Titra lab

TitraLab 840 and 845 Reference Manual
Page 125
Number of
Number of decimals (0 to 3) to be displayed and printed for the result.
Enter in:
Edit method > Results (for a pH measurement method)
Number of
Number of significant digits (1 to 5) to be displayed and printed for the
result calculated.
Example: If Number of digits = 4:
1456.1 is displayed “1456”
12.124 is displayed “12.12”
0.15872 is displayed “0.1587” (the first significant digit is “1”)
0.4 is displayed “0.4000” (the first significant digit is “4”)
Enter in:
Edit method > Results (for titration methods)
Edit reagent > Results
Number of
dynamic rinses
If a SAC850 Sample Changer is in use, enter the desired number of
dynamic rinses to be carried out before each beaker
analysis of a SAC sequence,
see also "Dynamic rinses", page 77
Enter in:
Setup menu > Configuration
Range available:
0 to 9
Number of EP
Number of end points (1 to 2) to be titrated to.
Only one end point is titrated to during a back titration or a
reagent calibration.
Enter in:
Edit method > Method parameters menu (for End point method)