Figure 4-10 – Atec Tektronix-1502 User Manual

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TM 9-4935-601-14-3&P

Adjustment Procedure

Figure 4-10. Pulse Display.

93. Adjust-the front-panel GAIN screwdriver control for a pulse amplitude of 5 divisions. (Adjust the

POSITION controls as necessary.)

94. (a). Set the FEET/DIV (METRES/DIV) to 200 (50).

(b). Check-that the rise of the pulse occurs within 0.1 division horizontally and there is a spike of ap-

proximately 0.2 division at the top corner of the pulse. See Fig. 4-11 for correct and incorrect displays.

95. (a). Adjust-R1543 (LOOP GAIN) located on the MAIN board so that the pulse is as described in the

previous step. See Fig. 4-11 for photos of correct and incorrect displays.

(b). Set the FEET/DIV (METRES/DIV) to 1 (.25), set the MULTIPLIER to.1, and set the CABLE DI

ELECTRIC to OTHER (VAR-fully cw). Use the ZERO REF and POSITION controls as necessary to locate the
pulse at graticule center.

(c). Remove the 50

terminator from the CABLE connector. Install the GR to bnc adapter and the GR

short. Check that the reflected risetime of the pulse (fall time) is 0.7 division ( 0.875 division). See Fig. 4-12.


96. Set the mp/DIV to 5, turn the ZERO REF fully counterclockwise and adjust the POSITION controls so

the top of the trace is located on the horizontal centerline.

97. Check-that the peak-to-peak noise is not greater than 10 mp (2 divisions).

98. Push the NOISE FILTER button in and check that the peak-to-peak noise is less than 4 mp (0.8


99. Change the FEET/DIV (METRES/DIV) control to 20 (5). Turn ZERO REF fully clockwise.

100. Use the POSITION controls to set the bottom of the pulse at the horizontal centerline.

101. Check-that the peak-to-peak noise is less than 4 mp.

102. Release the NOISE FILTER button and check that the peak-to-peak noise is less than 10 mp.

103. Adjust--R1657 (LF COMP) located on the MAIN board, for the lowest possible peak-to-peak noise, then

repeat steps 96 through 102 above.

DC Balance

104. Set the mp/DIV to 100.

105. Connect the precision cable from the CABLE connector, to the female adapter, to the 50


Use the POSITION controls to locate the base of the pulse at the horizontal centerline.

REV C FEB 1980
